
Join the iMocha Team

We are on a mission to create a job-fit world by helping companies across the world transform their recruitment strategy
Create a
job-fit world
iMocha’s Vision is to create a job-fit world. A world where everyone, from startups to enterprises, is able to quickly and efficiently hire the right person for the right job, without any biases or challenges.
World’s largest, latest,
and relevant skills library
Our Mission is to enrich our existing repository by launching a new skill assessment every week. In the next 3 years, we aim to create 3000+ assessments to help achieve our Vision.
Ultimate Goal - Customer Success
We make sure that our customers are able to successfully get the right candidates for the right jobs. Once we confirm that our customers have successfully evaluated their candidates, we mark it as a success.
Our journey so far

Companies Served

Glassdoor Rating

2 Million+

Assessments Conducted
Ui Path
Range Box

200+ Team Size

200+ Subject
Matter Expert

10+ Awards

Why join us

Freedom & Equal Opportunities

Some might say we have gone a little overboard when we say we serve a platter of equal opportunities to our people regardless of their gender or preferences.

Great Salary
& Equity

For our top performers and leaders, we grant ESOPs. As iMocha continues to grow, you’ll have a real opportunity to create wealth for yourself and your family.

Transparency in Communication

Transparency fosters trust and we strive to achieve the trust of our employees by making sure there’s clear communication across all levels.

Holistic Growth

Building a career doesn’t have to be at the cost of missing out on your personal front. Nurture personal goals with equal importance.

Health Insurance

Our health insurance policy covers your spouse, kids and parents so you don’t have to worry about financial costs arising due to unexpected illnesses and/or injuries.

Work-Life Balance

No restraint on working hours. Our only policy is to use your good judgment.

Food and

Tasty and healthy food & snacks are made available at all times of the day. Never go hungry.

Exceptional Quarterly Meetings

All our quarterly meetings take place at conference rooms of 5-star hotels. Ambitious discussions should not be restricted to small spaces.

Annual Retreat

Join us on our annual 2-3 days team outing! The young and old, all deserve a nice long break after giving their best throughout the year.
Our moments

Glassdoor rating of 4.6 out of 5

We've worked hard to foster a "work happy" culture in our organization, and that reflects in what people say about us.