Skills Shortage

Skills Shortage

Learn about skills shortages, their impact, and effective strategies to address them through upskilling and tailored training programs.

What is a Skills Shortage?

Skills Shortages occur when there is a mismatch in the demand and supply of skills. In simple terms, a skills shortage occurs when there aren’t enough people with the necessary skills and proficiency to fill job vacancies.

For employees, this means more vacancies and fewer candidates per job. This increases the chances for those equipped with the desired skills to land a desired and high-paying job. On the other hand, during a skills shortage, companies struggle to find the talent to fill the positions. The greater the specific occupational skills shortage, the more challenging it is for companies to hire the right talent.

Furthermore, unfilled positions hinder economic growth and innovation for individual businesses and the entire economy. To combat the skills shortage, companies need to adopt innovative approaches.

Skills Shortage Reasons

Skills shortages can occur because of various reasons including an absence of skills intelligence platform, fast-paced technological changes, education struggling to stay relevant, and demographic changes. Here are some of those reasons:

  1. One of the major reasons for the skills shortage is the absence or lack of a skills intelligence platform. A lack of insights and understanding into your workforce’s skills and capabilities contributes to the skills shortage.
  1. Skills Shortages can also be attributed to the workforce's inability to keep up with the fast pace of technological progress in terms of skill development.
  1. Changes in the evolving industry need, driven by market conditions, consumer preferences, and industry trends, also contribute to skills shortages.
  1. Demographic changes, such as an aging population or declining birth rates, contribute significantly to skills shortages.
  1. The inability of education and training systems to keep up with skills needed by employers or, worse, teach obsolete skills.

Skills Shortage Impact

  • Diminished Productivity: Tasks might not get finished or take more time to complete, slowing down overall productivity.
  • Increased Workload: The current staff may face substantial workloads, which could result in stress, burnout, reduced job satisfaction, and an inadequate work-life balance.
  • Recruitment Challenges: Recruiting new talent is challenging, but companies can effectively manage the process to minimize time and cost implications.
  • Competitive Disadvantage: In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, embracing innovation and cultivating adaptability are indispensable for maintaining a competitive edge.

How to Counter Skills Shortage

To address the skills shortage, it's important to focus on developing highly specialized or highly desirable skills internally through upskilling and reskilling programs. Additionally, switching to skills-first hiring can help access a broader range of talent.

Also, education and training focused on industry needs are crucial solutions to address skills shortages. Tailored programs enable individuals to acquire sought-after skills. Learning Management Systems (LMS) enhances reskilling by providing convenient, adaptable access to personalized learning. These efforts bridge skill gaps, cultivating a versatile, skilled workforce ready for diverse challenges.

Get the crucial skills data of your existing workforce with iMocha Skills Intelligence to pinpoint gaps, forecast skills needs, and ultimately build a future-ready and resilient workforce.

Skills Shortage Related Terms

  • Skills Gap - This is not to be confused with the skills gap; a skills gap happens when there are enough candidates or employees, but their current skills don’t meet the requirements of their roles. These deficiencies stop workers from performing well.
  • Upskilling - When an employee undertakes learning to expand their existing skill set, that learning is known as upskilling. These additional skills enhance the worker’s performance in their current role, potentially advancing their career path.
  • Reskilling - Employee reskilling involves learning new skills outside the worker’s existing skillset. These skills are often closely adjacent to their current function but may sometimes be geared toward a different path.

Struggling to identify skill gaps in your organization?

Try iMocha Skills Intelligence Cloud to identify skill gaps proactively and more efficiently.