Video Recruitment

Video Recruitment

Learn about Video Recruitment: what it is and how to use it in hiring. Find info here.

What is Video Recruitment?

Video recruitment refers to the use of video tools, methods, and platforms to screen and assess potential talent. The remarkable use of video tech has made it possible to simplify and streamline the acquisition process, reducing costs across all levels of hiring.

Video recruitment is a transformative way that allows recruiters and hiring managers to conduct online interviews using a camera, a microphone, and the internet. It is a great way to screen candidates remotely and move through the hiring process. Recruiters can harness the power of pre-recorded video interviews, live video interviews, and video conferencing tools to assess a large number of applicants in a short period of time.

From screening a large pool of candidates through pre-recorded interviews to organizing direct meetings via various tools, hiring managers and recruiters can choose to find an engaging and real-time platform to evaluate potential candidates. It also minimizes the need to call potential applicants to the office, reducing the need for traveling – something that’s also beneficial for the candidates.

The advantages of video recruitment include direct cost savings and allowing you to select from a much broader and more diverse pool of potential candidates. With advanced video interview platforms and tools, remote recruitment allows room for deliberation and minimizes the need to move between cities and countries – a concern many job seekers echo. At a time when global hiring is seeking new peaks, it empowers companies to hire the right people for the right roles without the traditional interviewing practices.

Types of Video Recruitment

Companies can rely on several types of video recruitment tools to attract and evaluate talent, including –

  1. Branding videos: Videos that allow companies to share more about vision, mission, work ethics, and values with potential candidates.
  1. Pre-recorded video interviews: It is also known as one-way video interviews. It allows companies to assess potential candidates through pre-set interview questions answered via a recorded video.
  1. Video resumes: Digital resumes via a video format, ideally best for evaluating personality and communication skills.
  1. Video interviews: Assessment on video platforms through a real-time interview.
  1. Online job fairs: Events that allow companies to interact directly with candidates via video platforms.
  1. Onboarding videos: Great for acquainting and aligning newly-acquired talent with company policies, values, and work culture.

Benefits of Video Recruitment

  1. Enhances remote hiring by expanding candidate outreach
  1. Minimizes cancellations, ghosting, and no-shows
  1. Conducts interviews from any part of the world  
  1. Allows screening of more profiles and candidates  
  1. Easy-to-share one-way video interviews make sharing easier  
  1. Reduces work related to rearranging interviews  
  1. Reduces costs & space requirements  
  1. Better comfort for HR teams and potential candidates
  1. Ideal for evaluating personality traits and body language
  1. Reduces work for hiring managers by eliminating the need for direct in-person interviews

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Terms Related to Video Recruitment

  • Video interviews: A recruitment method that uses video technology to conduct job interviews remotely.
  • Video assessment: An evaluation method that uses video recordings to assess a candidate's skills or performance.
  • Live video interviews: Real-time virtual interviews that use video technology to connect candidates and employers from different locations.
  • Pre-recorded video interviews: Video interviews in which the candidate records responses to pre-selected questions in advance.

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