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Adobe Photoshop Test
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Entry Level/Mid/Senior

Adobe Photoshop Test

Online adobe photoshop test is the ideal pre-employment assessment for recruiters & hiring managers to assess adobe photoshop skills. Our Adobe photoshop test is useful for hiring roles such as adobe photoshop expert, UI/UX designer, web designer. This test has helped our customers reduce their hiring costs and time-to-hire by 45%.

A square, blue icon with the letters Ps in the center, representing a popular graphics editing software
The United Nations
The United Nations

Online Adobe Photoshop Test

Adobe Photoshop is software that is extensively used for raster image editing, graphic design, and digital art. It makes use of layering to allow for depth and flexibility in the design and editing process, as well as provide powerful editing tools, that when combined, are capable of just about anything.

Adobe Photoshop test is created & validated by experienced Subject Matter Experts (SME) to assess & hire adobe photoshop expert as per industry standards. Online Adobe Photoshop test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate the expertise of candidates in designing skills using Adobe Photoshop.

Two important use cases for Data Science skill test

#1 Identifying job-fit candidates based on job roles

Our subject matter experts customize assessments on the basis of primary and secondary skills, like Data Management Gateway, Deployment, Rest API, and much more. Also, questions can be customized according to the requirement of job role. It will help recruiters measure a candidate’s capabilities in various areas for the job role.

#2 Skill-gap analysis of your employees

An individual’s skill level can be assessed with pre-and post-training assessments. These assessments show the growth of learners. Our skill platform is integrated with legacy LMS and Data Science assessments assist to perform skill gap analysis. Our Data Science assessments and questionnaire are easy to customize.

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How it works

Test Summary

The Adobe Photoshop skills test helps to screen the candidates who possess traits as follows:

  • Understanding of Adobe Photoshop, as well as competing illustrator programs
  • Thorough knowledge of design and aesthetic principles
  • Expertise in designing and conducting usability tests and analyzing testing results.

The Adobe Photoshop test enables employers and recruiters to identify potential prospects by evaluating working skills and job readiness. For this reason, the emphasis is laid upon evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience, rather than theoretical knowledge. Our Adobe Photoshop skills assessment test reports will give a detailed analysis of each candidate that helps you to hire better and faster. To know about the candidate experience, we have introduced the new feature called candidate feedback module in our Adobe Photoshop assessment test so that it will ensure you that the candidates are getting an excellent experience while attempting the test.

The Adobe Photoshop online test may contain MCQ's (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQ's (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, AI-LogicBox (AI-based Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulations, True or False Questions, etc.

Useful for hiring
  • Adobe Photoshop Expert
  • Adobe Photoshop Developer
  • Adobe Photoshop Professional
  • UI/UX Designer
  • Web Designer
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry Level/Mid/Senior
Topics Covered

Basic Configuration

iMocha’s online adobe Photoshop test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate candidate’s ability to configure and set up preferences in Adobe Photoshop


This test helps in assessment of candidate’s working ability with layers which are sheets of images which overlay another sheet of image

Import and Export

Our Photoshop skills assessment test helps in evaluating a candidate’s understanding about importing images and exporting it to get results in high resolution format

Tools and features

This test help recruiters to assess a candidate’s ability to work with essential photoshop tools and toolbar and understanding about its functionality which helps in editing in Photoshop

Clipping Mask

Our test assesses candidate’s knowledge about clipping mask feature in photoshop which is used to control visibility of layer


This online adobe photoshop test helps in assessment of candidate’s understanding about using blending properties in photoshop to blend pixels of two images with each other
Sample Question
Choose from our 100,000+ questions library or add your own questions to make powerful custom tests.
Question type
Multiple Answer
Topics covered
Adobe Photoshop Selection


Q 1. The following images provided need to be composited into a single image so that it looks like the mechanical pig is standing on a green field under a perfectly gray sky. Which technique in Photoshop CC can be used to achieve this task?

Selecting and Masking
Blending Filter
Stylized Filter
None of the options
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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questions to the test

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