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Angular 9 Test
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Angular 9 Test

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Angular 9 Skill Test

Angular is a type of platform for building various mobile and desktop web applications. Angular 9 is an advance version of Angular and it incorporates a change in the core structure of the entire framework. Mobile phones fetch half of the website traffic globally, hence Angular 9 helps in providing faster mobile application service by reducing the size of downloadable files. Angular framework in Angular 9 uses some unique techniques and tools to debug its applications. In Angular 9 feature, one can manage styles through a clear, consistent order of precedence which is not dependent on timing. An important Angular 9 feature is the internationalization where the new solution appears with Angular 9 which balances most of the drawbacks without losing performance. Angular 9 skill test helps tech recruiters and hiring managers to assess candidates Angular 9 programming skills before the interview. Angular 9 developer test is designed by experienced subject matter experts (SMEs) to evaluate & hire Angular 9 developer as per the industry standards.

Angular 9 skill test helps to screen the candidates who possess traits as follows:

- Strong knowledge of various components, syntax and storage in Angular 9

- Good knowledge of using TypeScript and optimizations in the code - Experience in lifecycle hooks, directives and decorators in Angular 9 - Familiarity with other terms like imports, routing, pipes, etc.

Assessing candidates with Angular 9 developer test is secure and reliable. You can use our role-based access control feature to restrict system access based on the roles of individual users within the recruiting team. Features like window violation, image & video proctoring help detect cheating during the test. Angular 9 skill test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, LogicBox (AI-based Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulators, True or False Questions, etc.

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Test Summary

Angular 9 skill test helps tech recruiters and hiring managers to assess candidates Angular 9 programming skills before the interview. Angular 9 developer test is designed by experienced subject matter experts (SMEs) to evaluate & hire Angular 9 developer as per the industry standards.

Useful for hiring
  • Angular 9 Developer
  • AngularJS Developer
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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered


Suppose, we have a user dropdown on two pages. If we change the dropdown on page 1 and navigate to page 2, the dropdown should have the selected value by default. How can we achieve that?
1. Store the user dropdown value in a service file and get the value.
2. Pass the values using ViewChild.
3. Pass the value in a URL and get it.


  • By steps 1 and 2
  • By steps 1 and 3
  • By steps 2 and 3
  • By all steps 1, 2, and 3
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