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Asset Manager Test

This asset manager test is the ideal pre-hire test for recruiters and hiring managers to assess candidates objectively. Our test helps to reduce hiring time by 45% and helps hire Asset Managers.

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Asset Manager Test Assessment

One of the job placements inside the asset management sector is an asset manager. They must manage clients’ investments such as currency, property, bonds, stocks, commodities, and equities, among other financial products. One of the aims of these managers is to maximize the client´s money obtained from return on investments. They can work for banks, pension funds, and other business-related areas.

Our emphasis in this test is on the management of property assets. Asset managers tend to focus more on tactics, i.e., on implementing portfolio strategy. Asset managers typically report to portfolio managers and work through third-party property managers, who report to the asset managers. Asset managers, therefore, are focused on managing collections of assets (as opposed to portfolios) and often are regionally focused. Their primary objective is to coordinate the activities of local property management personnel toward the achievement of the portfolio strategies established by the portfolio managers to whom they report.

The asset manager position is responsible for financial analysis related to leasing and financing decisions, leasing evaluation, sales activities, asset and capital improvement budgeting, asset management plans, property management coordination, and investor/owner communications for an assigned portfolio of shopping centers.


  • Excellent verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills - Verbal ability and verbal reasoning
  • Critical thinking - Logical reasoning
  • Problem-solving - Quantitative aptitude
  • Highly analytical and creative - Abstract reasoning
  • Ability to effectively communicate financial data to executive team and investors - financial analysis
  • Proficiency in word processing, spreadsheet, database management programs to complete required reports - Microsoft word
  • Multitasking
  • Attention to detail
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Test Summary


Verbal ability is essential because grammar and vocabulary are prerequisites for good spoken and written English.


Reading comprehension indicates an ability to comprehend and reason with the concepts on a written page.


Quantitative ability will indicate analytical thinking and problem-solving ability.


Logical reasoning is assessed through:

  • Statement/Conclusion 
  • Cause /Effect and 
  • Statement/Fact questions 

These questions will indicate the quality of deductive and inductive reasoning, contributing to Critical thinking ability.


Abstract reasoning indicates the ability to think, identify logical patterns, learn new skills and solve complex problems. It is an indicator of fluid intelligence and shows an ability to strategize.


The questions are Keyboard shortcuts, Keyboard Combinations, Page orientations, Tables, Charts, formatting, and commands.

The asset manager test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, True or False Questions, etc.

Asset Manager Online Test Consists:

  • Verbal ability - 08 Questions 08 minutes
  • Verbal reasoning - 08 Questions 14 minutes
  • Quantitative Aptitude - 10 Questions 10 minutes
  • Logical reasoning - 08 Questions 13 minutes
  • Abstract reasoning - 10 Questions 15 minutes
  • MS Word 2013 - 08 Questions 10 minutes
Useful for hiring
  • Asset Manager
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Asset Management

iMocha’s asset manager test helps recruiters to evaluate candidate’s understanding about asset management which helps to keep record of all wealth of an individual or company





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Multiple Option
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Q 1. Various Expenditures (in percentage) Incurred in Publishing a Book

For an edition of 12,500 copies, the amount of Royalty paid by the publisher is Rs. 2,81,250. What should be the selling price of the book if the publisher desires a profit of 5%?

Rs. 152.50
Rs. 157.50
Rs. 162.50                                                      
Rs. 167.50

A helicopter view of the employee's progress
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