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AWS Lambda Test
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AWS Lambda Test

An orange letter lambda on a gray background.
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AWS Lambda Test

AWS Lambda is defined as a serverless computing platform that is developed as a part of Amazon Web Service. AWS Lambda runs code in response to an event and automatically manages the computing resources that are required by the code. AWS Lambda is used for building smaller, on-demand applications that are responsive to events and new information. AWS Lambda automatically executes codes in response to multiple events, such as modifying an object in Amazon S3 bucket, updating tables in Amazon DynamoDB, etc. The AWS Lambda test helps to screen candidates for the following:

1. Knowledge of solution design on AWS infrastructure.  

2. Ability and understanding of the migration process for an application on the AWS cloud.  

3. Knowledge of API Security.

4. Experience with working on error codes, logging, migration, & solution designs.

5. Familiarity with pipelining jobs, file processing, and EBS volumes.

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Use interview Mocha’s AWS Lambda test to evaluate applicants and identify your next best hire. Online AWS Lambda test is created by AWS experts. Start assessing now!

Useful for hiring
  • DevOps Architect - AWS Lambda
  • AWS Developer - Lambda
  • AWS Architect
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry Level/Mid/Senior
Topics Covered

Error Codes

Solution Design




API Security


Pipelining Jobs


File Processing

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Question type
Multiple Answer
Topics covered
Error codes


Q 1. API gateway and Lambda non-proxy integrations have been chosen to implement an application by a software engineer. The Lambda needs to communicate with certain back-end data services. However, there are chances that errors might occur. The Lambda is written using Java and two exceptions, BadRequestException and InternalErrorException, may be returned. What should the software engineer do to map these two exceptions in the API gateway with appropriate HTTP return codes?
Note There can be multiple correct answers to this question.
Add the corresponding error codes on the Integration Response in the API gateway.
Add the corresponding error codes on the Method Response in the API gateway.
Add Integration Responses where regular expression patterns are set, such as BadRequest or InternalError. Associate them with HTTP status codes.
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