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AWS Route 53 Skills Test
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AWS Route 53 Skills Test

Our AWS (Amazon Web Services) Route 53 Skills Test is ideal for technical recruiters & hiring managers to hire job-fit candidates for roles such as Software Development Engineer - Amazon Route 53 and System Engineer - Amazon Route 53. This pre-employment test evaluates candidates’ knowledge of DSN Routing, Hosted Zones, and Domain Management. The AWS Route 53 assessment can increase interview-to-selection ratio by 62% by enabling employers to find the top candidates early in the recruitment process.

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AWS Route 53 Skills Test

Amazon Route 53 (Route 53) is a scalable and highly available Domain Name System (DNS) service. Amazon Route 53 effectively connects user requests to infrastructures running in AWS – such as Amazon EC2 instances, Elastic Load Balancing load balancers, or Amazon S3 buckets, and can also be used to route users to infrastructures outside of AWS. By using Amazon Route 53, one can configure DNS health checks, then continuously monitor the applications’ ability to recover from failures and control it. The AWS Route 53 Skills Test helps recruiters & hiring managers to assess AWS Route 53 skills of candidates.

The test reduces hiring cost by 40% & evaluates candidates’ knowledge on various AWS Concepts. The online AWS Route 53 Assessment is useful for hiring Software Development Engineer - Amazon Route 53, System Engineer - Amazon Route 53. Read this blog to unveil the methodology for evaluating and hiring AWS developers using iMocha assessments.

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Test Summary

Amazon Route 53 skills test helps to screen the candidates for the following:

  • Good experience in DNS (Domain Name System).
  • Strong knowledge of terms like hosted zones in AWS Route53.
  • Familiarity with the domain management process in AWS Route53.

iMocha's AWS Route 53 skills test is secure and reliable. All the test assessment data is safeguarded with the necessary security features. Furthermore, features like window violation and webcam proctoring help detect cheating during the test.

Useful for hiring
  • Software Development Engineer - Amazon Route 53
  • System Engineer - Amazon Route 53
Test Duration
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Topics Covered

DNS Routing

Domain Name System (DNS) routing is a protocol used by the internet to direct traffic to its intended destination. The main purpose of the DNS network is to ease the use of the internet. It achieves this aim by making the address of a website easier to remember.

Hosted Zones

A hosted zone is a container for records, and records contain information about how you want to route traffic for a specific domain, such as example.com, and its subdomains.

Domain Management

AWS Route 53 offers a domain name registration service at a low cost. Here, one can search and register for domains among available ones. The transference of the existing domain to Route 53 is also possible.



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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
DNS Routing


Q 1. An application is hosted in a region in AWS which is accessed by users globally. In order to ensure the best application performance, which routing policy should be used?
Weighted routing policy
Failover routing policy
Latency-based routing
All of the options
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