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iMocha's AWS SNS online test helps recruiters and hiring managers to hire job-fit AWS developers with AWS SNS skills. By filtering out irrelevant candidates, the AWS SNS skills test can reduce technical screening time up to 80%.

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AWS SNS Online Test

Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a fully managed messaging service for both application-to-application (A2A) and application-to-person (A2P) communication.  Amazon SNS is an event-driven computing hub that has native integration with a wide variety of AWS event sources (including Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, and Amazon RDS) and AWS event destinations (including Amazon SQS, and Lambda).

The AWS SNS online test helps tech recruiters and hiring managers to effectively assess a candidate’s ability to set up, operate, and send notifications from the cloud using AWS SNS. The test is designed by global Subject Matter Experts (SME) to assess & hire AWS developers as per the industry standards.

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Test Summary

The AWS SNS skills test helps screen candidates for the following:

1. Ample experience and knowledge of SNS commands via CLI in AWS.

2. Knowledge of SNS coding using Java in AWS SNS.

3. Strong knowledge of concepts such as, JSON policies and delivery policies.

4. Good understanding of the payload system in SNS.

5. Familiarity with SNS clients, delivery status, services, etc.

Read this blog to unveil the methodology for evaluating and hiring AWS developers using iMocha assessments.

Useful for hiring
  • AWS Developer
  • AWS Solution Architect
  • AWS Application Developer
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry Level/Mid/Senior
Topics Covered

SNS Commands

The AWS SNS online test helps recruiters to assess a candidate’s ability to use SNS commands to execute a configuration command or script on a remote appliance using the HTTPS API.

SNS Client

Our AWS SNS online test helps to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge of working with SNS client.


The assessments helps recruiters to assess a candidate’s knowledge of working with Payloads.

JSON Policy

The AWS SNS skills test helps to evaluate a candidate’s proficiency to work with the JSON policy to specify the principal that is allowed or denied for the access to a resource.

Delivery Policy

This assessment helps recruiters to evaluate a candidate’s proficiency to work with delivery policy to ensure how Amazon SNS retries the delivery of messages when a server-side errors occurs.

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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered


Which option will you choose to set the value true in the following code to force all message payloads to be stored in an S3 bucket?

SNSExtendedClientConfiguration sEC = new
SNSExtendedClientConfiguration() .withPayloadSupportEnabled(s3Client, Test)


  • .withAlwaysSNS(true);
  • .withAlwaysMessage(true);
  • .withAlwaysThroughS3(true);
  • .withAlwaysHash(true);
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