HomeDigital Marketing Tests
B2B Marketing Skills Test
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B2B Marketing Skills Test

This online test allows you to accurately assess and measure SEO, PPC, online advertising, email marketing strategies, and more abilities to determine how individuals fit the role and organizational standards. With this assessment, you can gain valuable insight into strengths and weaknesses to ensure a quality bar for existing and future employees.

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The United Nations
The United Nations
The United Nations
The United Nations

B2B Marketing Skills Test

1.What is B2B marketing?  

Business-to-Business marketing is a method of marketing products and services to other companies. Here, the consumers are not individuals but business buyers. This marketing process utilizes various influence marketing activities to drive qualified leads from multiple channels.  

2.Why use iMocha’s B2B marketing skills test?  

This test is designed and developed by highly experienced subject matter experts. These tests measure individuals’ ability to effectively create strategies, campaigns, build solutions, and more. The test analytics feature also allows you to compare candidate scores and make informed decisions about who to hire and where to put extra training efforts.  

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How it works

Test Summary

This skills test helps to screen candidates who possess the following traits:  

  • Understanding market trends to build targeted marketing campaigns.  
  • Ability to convey complex ideas and techniques clearly and concisely.  
  • Develop creative solutions to complex marketing challenges.  
  • Familiarity with data analysis and project management skills.  
  • Experience in designing and implementing various digital marketing strategies.  

This assessment also incorporates multiple anti-cheating features such as window violation, candidate ID verification, and image and video proctoring to maintain the integrity of the individuals.

Useful for hiring
  • Marketing Manager
  • Product Marketing Manager
  • Digital Marketing Specialist
  • Content Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Communications Manager
  • Sales and Marketing Coordinator
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Marketing Automation Specialist
  • Account Manager
  • Business Development Manager
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How is this test customized?
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B2B Marketing skills test is customizable and covers primary and secondary skills. It enables you to assess email marketing, SEO, problem-solving, excel, research, data analysis, and so on. You can also pick the questions you want to include in the test or request that we make personalized assessments to meet your needs.

What are the most common interview questions related to this role?
Down Arrow Circle

Some common interview questions related to this role are:  

  • Marketers can use audience-centric measures to evaluate their online marketing, correct or incorrect?  
  • What provides one of the fundamental Internet advantages between buyers and sellers?  
  • A 2004 BT/EIU survey on the barriers to successful CRM implementation rated what is the most critical factor.  
  • According to Haig (2001), what percentage of web users use search engines as tools for first research?  

Need help creating a custom set of questions? iMocha can help!  

What are the required skill sets to work on B2B marketing?
Down Arrow Circle

The required technical and non-technical skills to work in this domain are as follows:  

Technical Skills:  

  • Data Analysis Skills  
  • Search Engine Optimization Skills  
  • Email Marketing Skills  
  • Website Automation Skills  
  • Google Ads Management Skills  
  • Content Management Skills  
  • Customer Relationship Management Skills  
  • Excel Skills  
  • Project Management Skills  

Non-technical Skills:  

  • Problem-Solving Skills  
  • Communication Skills    
  • Time Management Skills  
  • Research Skills  
  • Creative Thinking Skills  
  • Collaboration Skills