HomeBusiness Analyst Tests
Business Analyst test for Credit Risk
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Business Analyst test for Credit Risk

iMocha’s BA test for credit risk is the ideal pre-hire test for recruiters and hiring managers to assess candidates objectively. This test is useful for hiring Credit Risk Business Analyst (0-2 years' experience), Business Analyst - Risk and P&L (0-2 years' experience), and Credit Risk Business Analyst - Wrong Way Risks and Settlements (0-2 years' experience). Our BA credit risk test has helped our customers to reduce hiring cost by 40%.

A magnifying glass with the word risk on it.
The United Nations
The United Nations

Business Analyst for Credit Risk Test

A Business Analyst for Credit Risk mainly works on the development of requirements strategy, scope and implementation rules for Securitization, Traditional Credit Products (TCP), and Repos. It also provides technical design by conducting design sessions with the Capital Stakeholders.

The Business Analyst for Credit Risk test is designed to assess the candidates in the area of risk management techniques such as VAR and Stress Testing, financial products knowledge such as Repos, statistical packages such as SPSS / SAS, Data Mining techniques, OTC Derivatives and TCP, Credit Risk Business, Detail Business and functional requirement knowledge, analyzing options and risks, etc. This test consists of meaningful questions on Moving Average Models, PD, LGD, Full Monte Carlo, interest rates, and many more.

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Test Summary

The Credit Risk test enables employers and recruiters to identify potential hires by evaluating working skills and job readiness. For this reason, the emphasis is laid upon evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience, rather than theoretical knowledge. Using powerful reporting,  a detailed analysis of test results is provided to facilitate better decisions and predict a candidate/employee's success.

The test contains:

1. Business Analyst: 10 Questions 10 minutes

2. Credit Risk: 10 Questions 10 minutes

3. Analytical Thinking: 5 Questions 5 minutes

4. Writing Skills: 5 Questions 5 minutes

Useful for hiring
  • Credit Risk Business Analyst (0-2 years experience)
  • Business Analyst - Risk and P&L (0-2 years experience)
  • Credit Risk Business Analyst - Wrong Way Risks and Settlements (0-2 years experience)
Test Duration
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Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Moving Average Models

The business analyst credit risk test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate a candidate’s understanding of the moving average model which indicates the direction of a trend to market analysts and investors.


Our test assesses a candidate’s understanding of default probability, or Probability of Default (PD) which is an estimation that a borrower won't be able to meet their debt obligations.


The business analyst for credit risk test evaluates a candidate’s knowledge about Loss Given Default (LGD) which is a metric that defines the percentage risk of exposure that is not expected to be recovered in the event of default.

Interest Rates

iMocha’s BA credit risk test evaluates a candidate’s understanding of interest rates charged on a loan amount.

Full Monte Carlo

Our test helps in the assessment of a candidate’s proficiency in Monte Carlo analysis which is used to determine the probability of different outcomes in a process that cannot be easily predicted,

Sample Question
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Topics covered
Ranking of Creditors in Capital Structure


Q 1. Wells Circle Ltd. is a start-up that plans to offer borehole drilling services to regional companies. The company plans to raise funds from different sources ranging from common equity from shareholders, preferred shares, and secured and unsecured bond issues. For cash flow analysis, you are projecting the level of returns or interest rates to award to each source of finance. Which creditor is most likely to receive a higher yield on their investment in a company's debt?

Senior secured bondholders
Unsecured bondholders
Preferred shareholders
Common shareholders
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
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