HomeCognitive Ability Tests
Bill and Account Collector Test
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Bill and Account Collector Test

iMocha’s bill account collectors test is the preferred pre-employment test for recruiters and hiring managers to hire job-fit candidates. Our customers have reported 40% reduction in hiring costs and 62% increase in the interview-to-selection ratio.

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Bill and Account Collectors Test Assessment

Collectors are responsible for collecting outstanding dues from debtors. This is a job that requires a lot of perseverance to face difficult customers who are not too keen to repay their dues.

The collector could meet debtors face-to-face or communicate with them through the phone. They must possess certain skills for both types of interactions.


Comprehension (Written & Oral) - Verbal Reasoning

Good Communication - Verbal Ability  

The ability to think constructively & strategize - Abstract Reasoning, Logical Reasoning

The ability to solve problems - Quantitative Aptitude

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Test Summary

VERBAL ABILITY: Verbal ability is essential because grammar and vocabulary is a prerequisite for good spoken and written English.

VERBAL REASONING: Reading comprehension indicates an ability to comprehend and reason with the concepts on a written page.

QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE: Quantitative ability will indicate analytical thinking and problem-solving ability.

LOGICAL REASONING: Logical Reasoning is assessed through Statement/Conclusion, Cause /Effect and Statement/Fact questions.

These questions will indicate the quality of deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning which contribute to critical thinking ability.

ABSTRACT REASONING: Abstract reasoning will indicate the ability to think clearly, identify logical patterns, learn new skills, and solve complex problems. It is an indicator of fluid intelligence and shows an ability to strategize.

The bill and account collectors test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blank, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, True or False.

Useful for hiring
  • Bill and Account Collector
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Bill and Account Collectors

iMocha’s bill and account collector test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate a candidate’s understanding of the responsibilities of collecting outstanding dues from debtors.





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