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Claims Adjuster Test
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Claims Adjuster Test

iMocha’s claims adjuster test is the ideal pre-hire test for recruiters and hiring managers to assess candidates objectively. This online claims adjuster test is useful for hiring claims adjuster managers and helps to reduce hiring costs by 40% and increase the interview-to-selection ratio by 62%.

A red square with the words claims adjuster written in white
The United Nations
The United Nations

Claims Adjuster Test Assessments

Claim adjustors investigate, analyze, and determine the extent of an insurance company's liability concerning personal, casualty, or property loss or damages and attempt to effect a settlement with claimants. They correspond with or interview medical specialists, agents, witnesses, or claimants to compile information. They calculate benefit payments and approve payment of claims within a certain monetary limit. 

Claims adjustors and underwriters perform their work at different points in the insurance process. The underwriter, which determines the risk and cost of the policy, performs her job before insurance is approved and provided. The claims adjustor comes in when the insurance company must decide whether to pay a claim.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Analyze information gathered by investigation and report findings and recommendations
  • Examine claim forms and other records to determine insurance coverage
  • Interview or correspond with the insured, claimants' witnesses, or their representatives
  • Consult police reports and inspect property damage to determine the extent of liability
  • Negotiate claims settlements and recommend appraisal, mediation, or litigation when settlement cannot be negotiated
  • Refer questionable claims to management for further investigation or settlement

Key Skills Required:

  • Making Decisions - Logical Reasoning
  • Solving Problems - Quantitative Aptitude, Abstract Reasoning
  • Planning, Prioritizing, and Organizing - Abstract Reasoning
  • Effectively communicating verbally and in writing - Verbal Ability and Verbal Reasoning
  • Customer Service Initiative and ability to think logically, analytically, and critically - Logical Reasoning

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Test Summary

Verbal Ability

Verbal Ability is essential because grammar and vocabulary are prerequisites for good spoken and written English. 

Verbal Reasoning

Reading comprehension indicates an ability to comprehend and reason with the concepts on a written page. 

Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative ability will indicate analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities. 

Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning is assessed through the:  

  • Statement/Conclusion 
  • Cause /Effect and 
  • Statement/Fact questions 

These questions will indicate the quality of deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning, which contribute to critical thinking ability.


Abstract Reasoning 

Abstract reasoning indicates the ability to think clearly, identify logical patterns, learn new skills and solve complex problems. It is an indicator of fluid intelligence and shows an ability to strategize. 

The online claims adjuster test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, True or False Questions, etc.

Claims Adjustor Test Details: 46 Questions 60 minutes

  • Verbal Ability -                   08 Questions, 08 minutes  
  • Verbal Reasoning -            08 Questions, 13 minutes 
  • Quantitative Aptitude -      10 Questions, 10 minutes 
  • Logical Reasoning -           12 Questions, 15 minutes 
  • Abstract Reasoning -         10 Questions, 14 minutes 

Useful for hiring
  • Claims Adjustor Manager
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Topics Covered

Insurance Claim

iMocha’s claims adjuster test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate candidates' understanding of the policy of insurance to settle or reimburse losses covered under insurance policy.





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Q 1. Sara lives in a large city on the East Coast. Her younger cousin Marlee lives in the Mid-west in a small town with fewer than 1,000 residents. Marlee has visited Sara several times during the past five years. In the same period of time, Sara has visited Marlee only once.

Marlee likes Sara better than Sara likes Marlee.
Sara thinks small towns are boring.
Sara is older than Marlee.
Marlee wants to move to the East Coast.

A helicopter view of the employee's progress
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