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Cloud Fundamentals Skills Test
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Entry Level

Cloud Fundamentals Skills Test

This skills test is an ideal solution for recruiters and L&D professionals seeking to assess individuals’ cloud skills. It also helps cut hiring costs by up to 40% and measure the ROI of your learning initiatives.

A cloud server with data packets streaming out of it and into devices below, representing cloud computing
The United Nations
The United Nations
The United Nations
The United Nations
The United Nations

Cloud Fundamentals Skills Test

It is a core concept and service that form the basis of cloud computing. It enables cloud architects to design efficient cloud solutions that will deliver cost savings while maintaining security standards.

Why use iMocha's Cloud fundamental skills test?

This skill test of iMocha is of great use when evaluating the cloud computing proficiency of individuals efficiently and comprehensively. Using this test, you can assess candidates and employees without bias. That is why emphasis is placed on evaluating the practical skills acquired through real work experience rather than just theoretical understanding.

Wondering what other skills we have in our World’s Largest Skills Assessment library?
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How it works

Test Summary

The skills test assesses candidates’ and employees’ proficiency in areas including:

  • Expertise in DevOps and Infrastructure Automation
  • A thorough understanding of software configuration management (e.g., Ansible, Chef, Puppet)
  • Impeccable knowledge of virtualization and containers (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes).
  • Understanding the individual's grasp on Cloud Cost Optimization and Analysis (e.g., Reserved Instances, Spot Instances, HPC)

Additionally, its powerful reports are automatically generated after the completion of the tests in a well-organized and easy-to-read overview format.

Useful for hiring
  • Cloud Administrator
  • Cloud Support Engineer
  • Cloud Security Analyst
  • Cloud Network Engineer
  • Cloud Software Engineer
  • Cloud Automation Engineer
  • Cloud Engineer
  • Cloud Consultant
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry Level
Topics Covered





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A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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How is Cloud Fundamentals skill test customized?
Down Arrow Circle

Our SMEs can tailor the assessment to the required primary and secondary abilities, such as core cloud computing skills, Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services, Problem-Solving, Communication, and many more. Similarly, questions can be customized to candidates' skill levels and experience.

What are the most common interview questions for this role?
Down Arrow Circle

Some of the most common interview questions for the post are as follows: 

  • Describe the different service models?
  • How does the Resource Agent monitor the cloud usage?
  • What are Microservices?
  • What is cloud-enabling technologies?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of serverless computing?

Looking for a more custom set of questions? iMocha can help!

What are the roles and responsibilities for this role?
Down Arrow Circle

Individuals in this role need to fulfil a wide variety of responsibilities. Some of them are:

  • Manage the organizations' cloud-based applications, including user access permissions.
  • Set up cloud-based applications according to a company's specifications and needs.
  • Protect against data breaches or cybersecurity threats.