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Content Writing Test
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Content Writing Test

iMocha's Content writing skills test is the most preffered skills assessment test for recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate content writting skills. Content writing test is useful for hiring Content Writer. The test can reduce hiring time by 45%.

Pencil writing on a piece of paper
The United Nations
The United Nations

Content Writing Skills Assessment Test

Content writing is an inextricable part of online or web marketing. Web Content writer must provide high-quality content for websites in the form of blogs, articles, Info-graphics, etc. for the targeted group of audience. For writing the content, the copywriter or content writer must have strong English communication and writing skills.The content writer interview test enables employers to identify & hire copywriters by evaluating the working skills and job readiness of candidates.

For this reason, an emphasis is laid upon evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience rather than theoretical knowledge. Content writing test assists hiring managers and recruiters in evaluating the candidate’s creative, diversified and theme focused copywriting skills as per industry standards. Our content writing skills test is designed by our subject matter experts (SMEs) to assess & hire copywriters or content writers.

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How it works

Test Summary

The process of hiring an excellent content writer will be done through our writing skills assessment tests. Our hiring analytics will be generated instantly which gives you a detailed analysis of the content writer test results. This will surely help you make better hiring decisions and predict candidate and employee success. The copywriter interview test contains a combination of application and theory questions that helps you to evaluate written as well as practical skills of candidates.

The Content writing test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, AI-LogicBox (Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulations, True or False Questions, etc.

Copywriting test is designed considering EEOC guidelines, It will help you assess & hire diverse talent without any bias.

Useful for hiring
  • Content Writer
  • Copy Writer
  • Blogger
  • Web Content Developer
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Logical Deduction

iMocha’s content writing skills test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate candidate’s understanding about deductive reasoning which is the process of reasoning from one or more statements to reach a conclusion

Statement & Conclusion

This test assesses candidate’s ability to write reasoning content based on statement and conclusion

Selecting words and correcting the words

Our content writing test helps in evaluating candidate’s content writing ability related to verbal reasoning



Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Reading Comprehension


Q 1. Harold, a professional man who had worked in an office for many years, had a fearful dream. In it, he found himself in a land where small slug-like animals with slimy tentacles lived on people's bodies. The people tolerated the loathsome creatures because after many years they grew into elephants which then became the nation's system of transport, carrying everyone wherever he wanted to go. Harold suddenly realised that he himself was covered with these things, and he woke up screaming. In a vivid sequence of pictures this dream dramatised for Harold what he had never been able to put into words; he saw himself as letting society feed on his body in his early years so that it would carry him when he retired. He later threw off the "security bug" and took up freelance work.
Which one of the following phrases best helps to bring out the precise meaning of 'loathsome creatures'?

Security bug and slimy tentacles
Fearful dream and slug-like animals
Slimy tentacles and slug-like animals
slug-like animals and security bug
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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