HomeCyber Security Tests
Cyber Security Analyst Test
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Entry Level/Mid/Senior

Cyber Security Analyst Test

A laptop secured with a lock, implying caution, data privacy, or the importance of cybersecurity
The United Nations
The United Nations

Cyber Security Analyst Test

A Cyber Security Analyst is primarily responsible for protecting a company’s network and systems from cyber-attacks. This involves researching upcoming IT trends, creating contingency plans, reviewing suspicious activities, reporting security breaches, and educating the rest of the company on security measures. Cyber security analysts are also responsible for implementing threat protection measures and security controls. They may even simulate security attacks to find out the potential vulnerabilities that exist within the organization.

The Cyber Security Analyst test helps to screen the candidates for the following:

1. Strong knowledge of conducting network and communication security processes.

2. Ample knowledge of analyzing malware practices and threats in cyber security.

3. Experience in carrying out vulnerability assessments for better security policies.

4. Familiarity with handling the measures of security governance.

The Cyber Security Analyst hiring test provides a powerful reporting feature that helps analyze section-wise performance of candidates to gauge their strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, one can always use our candidate ranking tool to screen the best-performing candidates among others. The test has a set of questions to cope with recent developments in technology. Moreover, questions can be added as per the requirements of the job description.

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Test Summary

A Cyber Security Analyst is primarily responsible for protecting a company’s network and systems from cyber-attacks. This involves researching upcoming IT trends, creating contingency plans, reviewing suspicious activities, reporting security breaches, and educating the rest of the company on security measures. Cyber security analysts are also responsible for implementing threat protection measures and security controls. They may even simulate security attacks to find out the potential vulnerabilities that exist within the organization.

Useful for hiring
  • Cyber Security Analyst
  • Cyber Security Consultant
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry Level/Mid/Senior
Topics Covered

Network and Communication

Security Malware


Analysis Vulnerability


Assessment Security Governance



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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Vulnerability Scanner, Vulnerability Technology


A spammer took thousands of copies of a message and sent it to a huge list of emails, using the SMTP Server Hijacking technique. Which of the given tools can be used to prevent this vulnerability at the operating system layer from being exploited?


  • Nessus
  • Jack the Ripper
  • Port mapper
  • None of the options
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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