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Data Structures Test
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Data Structures Test

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The United Nations

Data Structures Test

Data Structures are one programmatic way of storing data that helps us use the data efficiently. Most enterprise applications use various types of data structures in one or the other way. Data structures are also a type of data organization, management, and storage format that helps many organizations efficiently access and modify. It also serves as the basis for an abstract data type (ADT). The ADT mainly defines the logical form of the data type, whereas the data structure implements the physical form of the data type.

Data structures test helps tech recruiters & hiring managers assess candidates’ data structures & algorithm coding skills. Data structures online test is designed by experienced subject matter experts (SMEs) to evaluate and hire a software developer with excellent data structure and algorithm knowledge.

Data structures and algorithms test helps to screen the candidates who possess traits as follows:

  • Knowledge of data structures like the Stack, Queues, Trees, Graphs, LinkedList, Hash Maps
  • Proficiency in sorting algorithms (bubble sort, merge sort, shell sort, etc.)
  • Ability to develop systems and applications using appropriate data structures


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  • Automatically assess and provide a score for the candidate’s written codes by compiling multiple test cases that generate discrete output.
  • You will also get a detailed report for each test case execution, execution time, and execution memory usage for the candidate’s written program.
  • The Code-Replay feature provides real-life simulation of keystrokes allowing the Reviewer of code to understand the typing and thinking pattern of the coder.

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Test Summary

Data structure aptitude test may contain coding questions and innovative LogicBox (an AI-based pseudo coding platform) questions to assess a candidate’s coding skills in a fun & quick way.

Useful for hiring
  • Software Developer - Data Structures
  • Algorithms Specialist
  • Java Developer- Data Structure
  • Python Developer- Data Structure
  • Graph Engineer- Data Structure/ Algorithm
  • Data Analyst
  • Application Engineer
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry Level/Mid
Topics Covered








Linked Lists


Sorting Algorithms

Sample Question
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Question type
Topics covered
Binary Tree


Determine the highest number of tasks assigned to any single person in the department in an organisation.
- The organizational hierarchy of employees in a department can be described as a complete binary tree.
- The parent of a node is their direct superior while the nodes in the subtrees represent their subordinates. Each of them has been assigned a number of tasks.
  Each employee representedby node can request for a "Work Reduction" operation.
  In work reduction one task assigned to him will be transfered to each of his subordinates.
- In work reduction
If the number of tasks assigned to a node  is less than the number of subordinates, the request will result in no action.
- Given the initial number of tasks assigned to each employee, and the order in which the work reductions are requested.

Input Format
The first line contains an integer, N, denoting the number of employees in the department.
Each line I of the N subsequent lines (where 0 ≤ I < N) contains the work assigned to employee I, where I is the position in the level-order traversal of the tree (root is position 1).
The next line contains an integer, M, denoting the number of work reduction requests.
Each line I of the M subsequent lines (where 0 ≤ I < M) contains the position of the employee in the hierarchy who sent the Ith request.

Output Format
Integer value,  highest number of tasks assigned.

Sample Input

Sample Output


Initial Organizational Hierarchy imageAfter Processing all requests image
After processing the request from 1, the number of tasks assigned to each person is 2, 18, 14, 5, 3, 7, 2
After processing the request from 2, the number of tasks assigned to each person is 2, 16, 14, 6, 4, 7, 2
Request from 5 will not be processed as 5 has no subordinates
Request from 1 will not be processed now as there aren't enough tasks to be assigned to the su bordinates.
After processing the request from 2, the number of tasks assigned to each person is 2, 14, 14, 7, 5, 7, 2
After processing the request from 2, the number of tasks assigned to each person is 2, 12, 14, 8, 6, 7, 2

Therefore, the maximum number of tasks assigned to a single person is 14.

A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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