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PHP Subjective Test
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PHP Subjective Test

Online PHP subjective test enables recruiters and hiring managers to hire job-fit candidate within a short period & take unbiased decision. This test is useful for hiring PHP Developer, PHP Designer, and PHP Specialist. Our test has helped our customers to reduce hiring cost by 40%.

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Online PHP Subjective Knowledge Test

To solve this major problem of guesswork in tests, iMocha has launched its unique innovative tool - “The Descriptive Test Simulator” that can evaluate essay type answers. By the use of online Descriptive test simulator, candidates will be able to write one-word answers, short essay type, and long essay type answers. These answers are evaluated through our descriptive assessment engine. This reduces guesstimates in online assessments and gives results sharper than ever.

The online PHP subjective test is specially designed and developed to effectively check the candidate’s descriptive/subjective knowledge related to PHP through our proper descriptive simulator assessment. To hire PHP developer, it is very important to validate his/her scripting skills, the capability to generate dynamic page content using PHP. This PHP online test is reviewed, qualified and validated by our Subject Matter Experts (SME). Explore this guide to discover the essential skills and qualifications before hiring a PHP developer.

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Test Summary

The PHP online test for experienced enables employers and recruiters to identify & hire dedicated PHP developer by evaluating working skills and job readiness. For this reason, we have moved on from the MCQ and developed a new simulator known as Descriptive Simulator which evaluates candidates Descriptive Answers and grades them automatically.

The PHP knowledge test may contain MCQ's (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQ's (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, AI-LogicBox, Coding Simulations, True or False Questions, etc.

Check out this extensive compilation of tested PHP interview questions that will empower hiring managers to expertly evaluate PHP developers during interviews.

Useful for hiring
  • PHP Developer
  • PHP Designer
  • PHP Specialist
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered


iMocha’s PHP subjective test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate candidate’s understanding about looping statement that executes block of code repeatedly until a condition satisfies


This PHP knowledge test evaluates candidate’s understanding about traits in PHP which helps to declare methods to use in multiple classes


Our assessment validates applicant’s ability to sort or rearrange elements in a particular order

Regular Expression

This assessment helps to evaluate a candidate’s understanding about regular expression which is a sequence or pattern of characters itself to find patterns in text


This test assesses applicant’s ability to use operator to perform operations on operands


This test checks candidate’s knowledge about arrays which holds a value of same data type
Sample Question
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Question type
AI-Logic Box
Topics covered
Object-Oriented PHP


Below is an Object Oriented PHP program, few lines in the program are missing (//write your code here).
You need to finish the lines to get the output as 'I Like PHP.'

Sample Program:


class Base {
    public function sayLike() {
        echo 'I Like ';

trait SayLanguage {
    public function sayLike() {
        echo 'PHP.';

class ILikePHP extends Base {

$obj = ;



A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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