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DevOps AWS Test
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DevOps AWS Test

Our DevOps AWS Test is the ideal pre-employment test for recruiters and hiring managers to hire job-fit candidates for DevOps AWS Engineer role. This pre-hire DevOps AWS test assesses candidates on topics such as Amazon Elastic Computer Cloud, Build & CI Automation, Cloud, and Ansible & Jenkins. By filtering out irrelevant candidates, DevOps AWS test can reduce technical screening time by up to 80%.

DevOps and AWS logos side by side, representing the integration of DevOps practices with Amazon Web Services
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DevOps AWS Test Assessment

DevOps AWS is used to effectively assess the candidate’s AWS skills before an interview. DevOps AWS enables an organization to rapidly and reliably build and deliver products by managing infrastructure and deploying application code, automating software processes.

The DevOps AWS test is specially designed to check the application, web services, virtualization, and technical skills – as per Industry Standards. This online DevOps test is created and validated by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).

Two important use cases for DevOps AWS test

#1 Identifying job-fit candidates based on job roles

The process of customizing DevOps AWS test is smooth and less time-consuming. Before preparing the test, iMocha’s team goes through the job descriptions and set tests in accordance with job roles. Evaluation of candidate's knowledge becomes easy with our skill assessments. If you want to hire job-fit candidates, you can hire based on the scorecard.

#2 Skill-gap analysis of your employees

Our pre-and post-training assessments help you understand the areas of improvement. You can use our DevOps assessments to know the growth of learners. iMocha platform can also be integrated with different legacy LMS where our DevOps assessments can help you perform skill gap analysis.

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How it works

Test Summary

The DevOps AWS test helps you to screen candidates who possess skills as follows:

Our different types of DevOps AWS test help you assess specific skills of candidates. These assessments are produced by SMEs using their industry experience. For example: questions based on Cloud, Build & CI Automation, Amazon Elastic Computer Cloud are created by AWS professionals.

You can pick the different questions you like or ask us to create more questions if required.

DevOps AWS test enables employers and recruiters to identify DevOps AWS engineers by evaluating working skills and job readiness. For this reason, the emphasis is on evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience, rather than theoretical knowledge. The combination of application and theory questions helps to evaluate technical as well as practical skills of candidates. Also, explore how to hire DevOps developers with step a step process.

Useful for hiring
  • DevOps AWS Engineer
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No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Amazon Elastic Computer Cloud

The online DevOps test assesses a candidate's knowledge of web  service that provides secure,  resizable capacity on the cloud.

Troubleshoot AWS CloudFormation

This pre-employment DevOps AWS test evaluates a candidate's skills to troubleshoot problems when AWS CloudFormation fails.


The online technical assessment  contains questions on data storage.

Build & CI Automation

The online DevOps AWS test quantifies a candidate’s skills of automating the retrieval of source code.

Ansible & Jenkins

The AI-powered assessment evaluates a candidate’s understanding of Ansible & Jenkins tool automation to the provision of the target environment.

Sample Question
Choose from our 100,000+ questions library or add your own questions to make powerful custom tests.
Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Build & CI Automation


Which of the following build automation tools can be used to create a solution that scales and has the proper programming language that works with incremental builds?


  • Chef with Ruby programming language
  • Ansible with YAML
  • Ant or Maven with XML
  • Gradle with Groovy
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
You can customize this test by

Setting the difficulty level of the test

Choose easy, medium, or tricky questions from our skill libraries to assess candidates of different experience levels.

Combining multiple skills into one test

Add multiple skills in a single test to create an effective assessment and assess multiple skills together.

Adding your own
questions to the test

Add, edit, or bulk upload your coding, MCQ, and whiteboard questions.

Requesting a tailor-made test

Receive a tailored assessment created by our subject matter experts to ensure adequate screening.
How does a DevOps AWS test help recruiters hire candidates?
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Our iMocha team plays a major role when it comes to hiring diverse candidates. Our “Custom Test” feature helps to create tests adhering to the job descriptions. You can select our custom tests option to choose the questions according to the way you want. Interestingly our AWS DevOps engineer assessment helps reduce the hiring time and workload of recruiters.

What are the certifications required for DevOps AWS Engineers?
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These are some of the certifications:

  • AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional
  • Cloud Academy DevOps Engineer – Professional Certification Preparation for AWS
  • AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional
  • Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)
  • Docker Certified Associate (DCA)

What are the most common interview questions for DevOps AWS Engineers?
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Some of the common interview questions:

  • How to integrate IDE with AWS CodeStar?
  • What is the default Git repository?
  • Explain briefly the use of Continuous Deployment Pipeline in AWS CodePipeline
  • What is the process of using the AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps?

What are the required skillsets of DevOps AWS Engineers?
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Listed below are some of the skillsets:

  • They should have a strong familiarity with memory profiling
  • They should be able to detect security issues
  • They need to have solid knowledge in code security, vulnerability skills, and dynamic pod autoscaling, microservices and data lake skills
  • They should have an understanding of the relevant tools

What is the package of DevOps AWS Engineer?
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On average, AWS DevOps Engineers earn $135,863 per year or $69.67 per hour. Entry-level individuals earn $119,855 per year. Moreover, experienced engineers earn $165,375 per year.