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Facebook Marketing Test
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Facebook Marketing Test

iMocha’s Facebook advertising test is the preferred pre-employment test for recruiters and hiring managers to hire job-fit candidates for roles such as Facebook Marketing Expert, Facebook Marketing Consultant, and Facebook Marketing Specialist. The Facebook marketing online test helps to reduce hiring cost by 40% and increase interview-to-selection ratio by 62%.

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Online Facebook Advertising Skill Test

The Facebook advertising test helps recruiting teams & hiring managers to effectively assess the skills of Facebook marketing specialist before an interview. Facebook is one of the social networking sites where more than 1.7 billion people connect with friends and family. Marketing on Facebook helps you find new customers and build lasting relationships with them.

The Facebook Marketing Online Test is designed to check the online marketing skills of Facebook Marketing Experts as per industry standards.

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How it works

Test Summary

The test on Facebook marketing basics is designed by our subject matter experts to gauge the knowledge of Facebook Marketing Consultant before hiring. Using powerful reporting, a detailed analysis of the test results is provided to facilitate better hiring decisions and predict the candidate's performance.

The Facebook advertising test enables employers and recruiters to evaluate skills and job readiness of candidates. Therefore, the emphasis is laid upon evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience.

The test contains a combination of application and theory questions that help you to evaluate technical as well as practical skills of candidates.

The test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blank, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, True or False.

Useful for hiring
  • Facebook Marketing Expert
  • Facebook Marketing Consultant
  • Facebook Marketing Specialist
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Facebook Authority

iMocha’s Facebook advertising test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate a candidate’s understanding of the Facebook authority network.

Specialized Procedures

Our assessment test evaluates candidate’s knowledge of specialized categories for targeting users on Facebook ads.

Facebook Security

Our test checks a candidate’s knowledge of the security features of Facebook, such as login alerts and two factor authentication.

Facebook Features

This test helps to assess a candidate’s understanding of the features of Facebook to run effective ad campaigns.

Facebook Business Process

This Facebook marketing online test evaluates a candidate’s understanding of the Facebook business process that helps to manage and organize businesses.

Facebook Applications

The test evaluates a candidate’s ability to utilize features of the Facebook application while running ad campaigns on Facebook.
Sample Question
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Question type
Topics covered
Facebook audiences


Q 1. "Stacey would like to get more insights about the type of audiences in her niche before advertising on Facebook. Which information is available in Facebook audience insights? "

Age and gender breakdowns, education levels, job titles, relationship statuses, and more
People's backgrounds and permanent records
Spending patterns and credit history
Aggregated information about two groups of people – people connected to your page and people not on Facebook
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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