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Financial Risk Analyst Skills Test
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Entry/ Mid/Expert

Financial Risk Analyst Skills Test

This test evaluates an individual's risk assessment abilities and knowledge of data analysis tools. It covers areas like analytical ability, numeracy, and aptitude to help you identify skill gaps and streamline your hiring and training processes.

A close-up image of a person's hand holding a dollar sign with a line graph
The United Nations
The United Nations

What is Financial Risk?

It is the process of identifying and measuring potential threats that can affect the earning capacity of an organization. Its execution is crucial for businesses to mitigate the possible impacts of risk and prevent loss of capital to stakeholders and even bankruptcy. It is done by identifying the inherent risks, calculating their weight, prioritizing them, and determining an action plan to handle them. 

Why Choose iMocha?

Our test is administered by SMEs, who update it constantly for optimal performance. The questionnaire covers various topics such as Bond valuation, LOOKUP Formulas, VLOOKUP and more to test skills as per industry standards and simplify your hiring as well as training programs. Its in-built test reports analytics feature also helps you make data-driven decision and keeps your talent acquisition and development processes free from unconscious bias.

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How it works

Test Summary

This test helps screen candidates and employees who possess the following skills:

  • Thorough understanding of statistical computer programs, risk management software, and quantitative methods.
  • Ability to conduct research to assess the severity of the risk and devise risk management strategies.
  • Potential to forecast market trends by using historical figures and identifying data patterns.
  • Ability to purchase insurance for the organization to reduce the financial impact of adverse events and protect future income.

You can view a performer's score and detailed reports to make fair hiring and upskilling decisions. The assessment also features various anti-cheating capabilities to ensure its integrity.

Useful for hiring
  • Financial Risk Analyst
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry/ Mid/Expert
Topics Covered

Bond Valuation

Ability to calculate expected future returns, cash flow, and earnings from bond investments.

Agency Problem

Understanding of scenarios where conflict or disagreement of interest occurs between two parties.

Advanced Charts

Knowledge of finance charts that analyse various business & financial metrics, including earnings, spending, budget, cash flow, etc.

Fundamentals of Excel

Knowledge of using formulas and features of MS Excel. 

LOOKUP Formulas:

Understanding of LOOKUP formulas to find the exact or appropriate matches in MS EXCEL.


Understanding of accessing data in a table organized vertically in MS EXCEL.
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A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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How is this skill test customized?
Down Arrow Circle

Our subject matter experts (SMEs) create customizable assessments to identify the expertise and skill sets of individuals. These skills can include MS Excel skills, numeracy skills, accounting skills, SAS skills, and analytical skills, to name a few. Talent professionals can also add their own set of questions and adjust the difficulty level of the test to make skill-fit talent decisions.

What are the most common interview questions related to Financial Risk Analyst?
Down Arrow Circle

Some of the common interview questions related to this role include:

  • How do you calculate WACC for an organization?
  • How do you ensure that your analysis is accurate?
  • What will you do if you come across a risk that you are unfamiliar with?
  • What is a good debt-to-equity ratio?
  • What industries do you have experience analyzing financial risks for?
  • What is risk management software?
  • What is the difference between operational and regulatory risk analysis?
  • In your opinion, what are the best methods for controlling risks?
What are the required skillsets to work as Financial Risk Analyst?
Down Arrow Circle

The required skills for this domain include the following:

Technical Skills

  • Risk management software, tools, and techniques
  • Financial and accounting skills
  • Banking skills
  • SAS skills
  • MS Excel skills

Soft Skills

  • Strong numeracy and analytical skills
  • Research and strategy thinking skills
  • Oral and written communication skills
  • Time-management skills and interpersonal skills
  • Problem-solving ability
  • Organizational skills
  • Negotiation skills
[2:04 PM] Upasana Paul