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Flex Online Test
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Flex Online Test

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Flex Online Test

Flex is a type of container in CSS that expands items to fill available free space or shrinks them to prevent overflow. Most importantly, the flexbox layout is direction-agnostic as opposed to the regular layouts. The flex CSS property sets how a flex item will grow or shrink to fit the space available in its flex container. It is a shorthand for flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis.

Flex online test helps tech recruiters and hiring managers to assess a candidate's Flex CSS programming skills. Online Flex test is designed by experienced subject matter experts (SMEs) to evaluate and hire UX/UI designers per industry standards.

Why use iMocha's Flex online test?

This Flex online test helps employers in many ways, including hiring a job-fit candidate within a short period, making unbiased employee performance appraisal decisions, and reducing hassle in mass recruitment. You can minimize candidate filtration time by up to 85% with Flex online test.

Pre-employment Flexbox test helps to screen the candidates who possess traits as follows:

  1. Strong knowledge of properties for the flex container and the flex items
  2. Ability to work with CSS Grid and CSS Flexbox to design interactive UI 
  3. Excellent experience with layouts, design principles, and patterns in CSS, HTML, and JavaScipt
  4. Experience in UX/UI designs and development

Flex quiz test has a robust reporting feature that will help you get an instant result and an option to share this result with your recruiting team. You can analyze section wise performance of the candidate to gauge his strengths and weaknesses.

Features like window violation and webcam proctoring help detect cheating during the test.

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Test Summary

The flex assessment test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, LogicBox (AI-based Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulators, True or False Questions, etc.

Useful for hiring
  • UI / UX Designer
  • Product Designer
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Display Properties


Render options




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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered


Q 1. Consider, you have an HTML table, within which there is the table body with many rows of data. The table is flex, what is the expected behavior?

The table will grow to 100% of the available width
All the table data cells will stack into a single row
The table will render as default
All the table rows will stack into a single row
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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