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Flexbox Online Test

iMocha's Flexbox online test is the most preferred skills assessment by recruiters and hiring managers to identify job-fit candidates objectively and quickly. The pre-hire assessment is useful for hiring job roles such as ReactJS Developer, PHP Developer, JavaScript Developer, and Web Developer. The Flexbox skills test can reduce hiring time by 45%.

A blue and white logo with the word FlexBox
The United Nations
The United Nations

Flexbox Online Test

Flexbox (flexible box) is a layout mode of CSS3. Using this mode, you can easily create layouts for complex applications and web pages. Flexbox layout gives complete control over the direction, alignment, order, and size of the boxes. It is used to make the elements behave predictably when they are used with different screen sizes and different display devices. It provides a more efficient way to lay out, align, and distribute space among items in the container.

The Flexbox skills test is secure and reliable. This test helps employers in many ways, including hiring job-fit candidates within a short period, making unbiased employee performance appraisal decisions, and reducing hassle in mass recruitment. You can reduce technical screening time by 80% with the Flexbox skills test.

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How it works

Test Summary

The Flexbox skills test helps to screen the candidates who possess traits as follows:

  • Strong experience in using various layouts in Flexbox
  • Good knowledge of render options and styles in the markup language
  • Familiarity with the terms like display properties, browser support, etc.

Flexbox online test provides a powerful reporting feature that helps you to analyze the section-wise performance of a candidate to gauge their strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, you can use our candidate ranking tool to screen the best-performing candidates.

Useful for hiring
  • ReactJS Developer
  • JavaScript Developer
  • PHP Developer
  • Web Developer
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Topics Covered

Layout using Flex

It is the space that will be divided according to each element's flex property. Flexbox is designed to provide a consistent layout on different screen sizes.

Render Options

In Flexbox, the render options window contains all settings for Render Mode, CPU Usage, and Render Quality. These options are specific for the Still Image, Animation, and KeyShotXR output.

Display Properties

The display property specifies the display behavior (the type of rendering box) of an element.



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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered


Q 1. Below is an index.html code. We want to decrease or reduce the size of "item two". What is the easiest way to do this with flexbox? <div id="container">
<div class="item one">1<div>
<div class="item two">2<div> <div>
flex-reduce: 1;
flex-shrink: 1;
flex-trim: 1;
flex-decrease: 1;
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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