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GCP Data Engineer Test
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GCP Data Engineer Test

This test helps tech recruiters and L&D managers evaluate engineers’ proficiency in designing, building, and maintaining data infrastructure and pipelines on the Google Cloud Platform. This assessment has helped our customers reduce technical screening time by up to 85% and conduct department-wide training needs analysis.

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GCP Data Engineer Test

A GCP Data Engineer specializes in designing, building, and maintaining data infrastructure and pipelines on the Google Cloud Platform. They are responsible for integrating data from various sources and processing it for analysis and reporting.

This test helps recruiters assess candidates' knowledge and skills related to data warehousing, data integration, and cloud data processing. Its analytics feature allows you to compare candidate scores and make informed decisions about who to hire and where to put extra training efforts.

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How it works

Test Summary

GCP Data Engineer test helps to screen the candidates who possess the following traits:

  • Understanding of BigQuery and the ability to work with its commands.
  • Knowledge of BigQuery's access management feature and an ability to manage data access.
  • Understanding of Google Cloud SQL and the ability to work with its features.
  • Understanding of Dataflow and the ability to work with its services.
  • Understanding of the languages supported by Dataflow.

Recruiters/L&D managers can access comprehensive reports for each candidate that will help to overview the candidate’s performance in each section within a glance. Moreover, the Test Insights section helps to identify job fit individuals accurately with the score distribution & section analysis features.

Useful for hiring
  • Junior GCP Data Engineer
  • GCP Data Engineer
  • Senior GCP Data Engineer
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry / Mid / Expert
Topics Covered

BigQuery - BigQuery Commands

This test allows recruiters and L&D managers to test individuals’ understanding of BigQuery and ability to work with its commands, which is essential in big data analytics.

BigQuery - Access Management

This section helps to gauge individuals’ understanding of BigQuery's access management feature and ability to manage data access.

Dataflow - Dataflow Services

This section evaluates individuals’ understanding of Dataflow and ability to work with its services, which is essential in big data processing.

Dataflow - Supported languages

This section lets you quantify developers' ability of the languages supported by Dataflow and their ability to work with them.

DataPrep - DataPrep

This section assesses individuals’ understanding of DataPrep and their ability to use it to clean and transform data.

Google Cloud SQL - Cloud SQL features

This section aids you to test an individual on his understanding of Google Cloud SQL and ability to work with its features, which is essential in data management and analytics.
Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple answer
Topics covered
BigQuery Commands


Q 1. BigQuery storage has a table named "demoData" in the schema "data." You want to name this table's clone "demodata2" using the bq command line. Which command will you use?

bq cp data.demodata data.demodata2
bq copy data.demodata data.demodata2
bq cp data.demodata2 data.demodata
bq copy data.demodata2 data.demodata
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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How is the GCP Data Engineer Test customized?
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This Skills Test is customizable to fit specific hiring and upskilling/reskilling requirements. The test assesses the individual’s skills, including designing, building, and maintaining data infrastructure and pipelines on the Google Cloud Platform, and more. You can also add your own questions and vary the level of difficulty of the test to best suit their hiring and L&D needs.

What are the most common interview questions?
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A few routinely asked questions on the subject include the following:

  • Explain the key components of GCP's data processing and storage services.
  • How would you design a data pipeline using GCP services like Dataflow and BigQuery?
  • What is the difference between Cloud Pub/Sub and Cloud Dataflow? When would you choose one over the other?
  • Describe the steps involved in ingesting data from an external source into BigQuery.
  • How would you optimize query performance in BigQuery? Discuss different techniques and best practices.
What are the required skillsets for this role?
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A few of the skills required to work in this role are detailed below.

Technical Skills:

  • Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Data Engineering and ETL
  • SQL and Database Management
  • Data Modeling and Schema Design
  • Programming Languages

Non-Technical Skills:

  • Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Attention to Detail
  • Continuous Learning
  • Project Management