HomeDigital Marketing Tests
Integrated Digital Campaign Skills Test
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Integrated Digital Campaign Skills Test

Our skills test helps talent professionals select individuals that are proficient in digital marketing. This test helps recruit and upskill digital marketing professionals for various roles, such as specialists, consultants, and executives and evaluates which individuals are well-versed in skills like analytics, SEO/SEM, social media, and creative thinking ability.

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Integrated Digital Campaign Skills Test

An Integrated Digital Campaign is a strategic marketing approach that combines various digital channels and tactics to deliver a cohesive message to a brand's target audience. It combines social media, email, search engine optimization, advertising, and content marketing, to achieve specific business objectives. 

Why Use iMocha?

Our skills test evaluates skills such as individuals' understanding of digital marketing concepts and their ability to pay close attention to detail and think outside the box. It can also be used in the learning and development of existing digital marketing professionals, helping them improve their skills over time. The test further offers customization and video proctoring features to maintain test integrity and deliver unbiased results.

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Test Summary

This skills test helps evaluate individuals on the following key skills:

  • Understanding of key concepts of digital marketing. 
  • Knowledge of social media, email, content marketing, SEO, and SEM. 
  • The ability to think creatively in a heavily saturated digital environment. 
  • Attention to detail to ensure that every aspect of an integrated digital campaign is flawlessly executed. 
  • Ability to manage every stage of a project seamlessly while also handling multiple projects at once. 

iMocha offers a role-based access system that can be used to give different members of the talent acquisition and development team access to the platform features. This test serves as an objective, data-driven way of assessing individual performances, be it when hiring a new candidate or training existing ones.

Useful for hiring
  • Digital Marketing Manager
  • Social Media Manager
  • Content Marketing Manager
  • SEO Specialist
  • PPC Specialist
  • Email Marketing Specialist
  • Analytics Manager
  • Project Manager
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How is this skill test customized?
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iMocha’s skills test can be customized in various ways, as talent managers can choose the test's difficulty level and the types of questions to include. These can range from Multiple Choice Questions, Scenario-based Questions, Fill in The Blanks, True or False Questions, and more. Talent professionals can also leverage our AI English Pro feature to assess the individual's Business English and communication and comprehension skills. 

What are the most common interview questions related to Integrated Digital Campaigns?
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Here are some common interview questions related to this domain:

  • What measures are employed when determining whether an Integrated Digital Campaign was successful?
  • What crucial elements go into an Integrated Digital Campaign, and how do you make sure they all function well together?
  • What variables are taken into account when selecting the appropriate channels and techniques for an integrated digital campaign?
  • How can an integrated digital campaign's message be made compelling and unified, and what tactics are employed to guarantee consistency across all channels?