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Investment Analyst Test
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Investment Analyst Test

The investment analyst aptitude test is the ideal pre-hire test for recruiters and hiring managers to assess candidates objectively. Our test helps hire an Investment Analyst. This financial analyst test has helped our customers to reduce candidate screening time by 80% and increase the interview-to-selection ratio by 62%.

Close-up view of a magnifying glass held over a line graph, symbolizing data analysis, research, and financial trends
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The United Nations

Investment Analyst Assessment Test

An investment analyst provides research and information to help traders, fund managers, and stock brokers make investment decisions. The information they provide ensures investment portfolios are well-managed and that potential investment opportunities are highlighted.

Some analysts work for investment management companies, providing information to in-house fund managers; others work for stockbrokers and investment banks, where their research is needed by portfolio managers or clients who make their own investment decisions. An investment analyst is tasked with researching, collecting, and analyzing information that helps investment managers to make effective and profitable decisions on behalf of clients while building a successful investment portfolio.

Investment analysts are employed by companies and investment trusts, stock trading and brokerage firms, insurance providers, investment banks, non-banking financial companies, and private equity firms. More often than not, analysts handle multiple projects and usually specialize in a particular industry segment, geographical area, or class of investment.


  • Risk modelling and risk analysis– Excel Modelling
  • Managing complex tasks– Abstract Reasoning
  • Analytical Think- Quantitative Aptitude
  • Verbal and written communication skills- Verbal Ability and Verbal Reasoning
  • Understand qualitative and quantitative analysis – Statistics, Logical Reasoning
  • Finance knowledge - finance analysis, financial management, management accounting
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Test Summary


Verbal ability is essential because grammar and vocabulary are prerequisites for good spoken and written English. 


Reading comprehension indicates an ability to comprehend and reason with the concepts on a written page. 


Quantitative ability will indicate analytical thinking and problem-solving ability. 


Finance and statistics questions will validate the financial skills of an applicant.

The investment analyst aptitude test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, True or False Questions, etc.

Useful for hiring
  • Investment Analyst
Test Duration
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Level of Expertise
Topics Covered


iMocha’s financial analyst aptitude test helps evaluate a candidate’s knowledge of finance, which deals with banking, debt, credit, money, and investments.


Our assessment helps to evaluate a candidate’s understanding of financial statistics, which is the process of analyzing and interpreting valuable financial data.

Excel Modelling

This test helps to assess the applicant’s ability to prepare the expected financial statements to predict the financial performance in the future.

Verbal Reasoning

This financial analyst test helps to evaluate a candidate’s communication skills with effective words.

Logical Reasoning

Our assessment helps assess a candidate’s ability to solve logical or non-verbal questions.

Abstract Reasoning

This financial analyst aptitude test helps evaluate candidates’ ability to solve problems based on the outside world.
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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
LOOKUP Formulas


The below table indicates weekly income generated by a freelancer Jack. How will you calculate the amount of income generated on a weekly basis from these activities?

Table showing weekly income

  • =OFFSET(A1,(ROW()-4)*n,0,n,1), where n is equal to 1,2,3 depending on a week you want to calculate.<br /> &nbsp;
  • =OFFSET(A1,(ROW()-4)*n,0,n,1), where n is equal to 0,5,10 depending on a week you want to calculate.<br /> &nbsp;
  • =SUM(OFFSET(A1,(ROW()-4)*n,0,n,1)), where n is equal to 1,2,3 depending on a week you want to calculate.<br /> &nbsp;
  • =SUM(OFFSET(A1,(ROW()-4)*n,0,n,1)), where n is equal to 0,5,10 depending on a week you want to calculate.<br /> &nbsp;
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
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