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Investment Banking Associate Skills Test
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Entry level/Mid/Senior

Investment Banking Associate Skills Test

Enhance your recruitment and L&D strategies with this skill test. It allows you to assess individuals' proficiency in areas such as Excel, financial modeling, data analysis, and more. It also enables you to reduce hiring efforts by 45% and measure the skill competency of your existing employees to help identify the best individual for a job.

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The United Nations
The United Nations

What does an Investment Banking Associate do?

These financial professionals provide capital-raising and strategic advisory services to businesses and organizations. They specialize in initial public offerings, mergers and acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, and restructurings. In addition, they assist in coordinating legal, valuation, tax, and accounting issues related to transactions.

Why use iMocha's Investment Banking Associate skills test?

Our test is an effective tool for Talent Acquisition and Development professionals to evaluate candidates' or employees' skills in the financial banking field. The test assesses individuals on various skills related to the topic and can be customized according to job requirements. Using this test, you can hire skill-fit candidates quickly, make unbiased employee performance appraisal decisions, and reduce the hassle of mass recruitment.

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Test Summary

This skills assessment test evaluates test individuals' proficiency in the following areas:

  • Ability to execute financial transactions, such as mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and public offerings
  • Assist clients with the sale of debt and equity securities
  • Good understanding of developing and presenting financial analyses of companies
  • Lead complex financial modeling for clients
  • Perform due diligence and prepare transaction documents
  • Monitor and analyze market and industry trends for potential investment opportunities
Useful for hiring
  • Investment Banking Associate
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry level/Mid/Senior
Topics Covered

Statistical Financial Modelling

This test helps to assess individuals' ability to develop models to analyze and forecast the financial performance of companies.


This skill test assesses the knowledge of calculating the intrinsic value of a company and its assets.

Swift Messaging Format

This test contains questions on creating and sharing standardized messages for international payments.

Credit Risks Computation

It helps to evaluate an individuals' ability to evaluate credit risk levels through complex data analysis.

Portfolio Construction

This assessment checks existing and potential employees' building investment portfolios tailored to customer needs.

Alpha Modeling

This section assesses the ability to develop mathematical models to generate alpha returns.
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How is this skill test customized?
Down Arrow Circle

This skills test can be customized according to your requirements. This can be done by adding related skills such as market analysis, reporting, taxation, trading, research, networking, and more. The tests can also be categorized based on difficulty level and individual experience.

What are the most common interview questions from an investment banking associate?
Down Arrow Circle

Here are some of the most common interview questions asked of individuals in this field:

  • What is enterprise value versus equity value?
  • What is the formula for enterprise value?
  • What are the main components of WACC, and how do you calculate it?
  • What is EBITDA?
  • How do you calculate terminal value?
  • How do you do a DCF valuation?
  • What does Negative Working Capital mean?

If you are looking for a more custom set of questions, iMocha can help!

What are the roles and responsibilities for this role?
Down Arrow Circle

Some of the common roles and responsibilities shared by individuals in this role are:

  • Respond to data queries and provide support to stakeholders.
  • Contribute actively to documenting procedures and work instructions.
  • Perform portfolio analysis of the firm's Wholesale Credit Risk Exposure.
  • Assist in the production of monthly credit risk data and analytics.
  • Contribute to the development and standardization of Risk Reporting across lines of business (e.g., Corporate and Investment Bank, Commercial Banking, and Asset and Wealth Management)
  • Experienced in operating in compliance with regulatory and SEC guidelines