Test duration:
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Entry Level/Mid

Ionic Test

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The United Nations

Ionic Online Skills Assessment Test

Ionic is a mobile framework that allows web developers to use cross-platform mobile apps. It is built on top of Angular JS and Apache Cordova; hence an Ionic developer needs to know CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The ionic framework also provides tools and services to build hybrid mobile apps, which means you can package your applications for IOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Firefox OS, which can save you a lot of working time. Ionic helps to provide useful pre-generated app setup with simple layouts, which makes it easy to maintain and update.

Our Ionic online test is created & validated by experienced Ionic experts (SMEs) to assess the Ionic Framework skills of candidates as per industry standards. The online Ionic test helps recruiting teams and hiring managers evaluate candidates' expertise in core concepts required to carry out mobile app development using an Ionic framework.

The Ionic skills test enables employers and recruiters to identify & hire Ionic developers by evaluating candidates' working skills and job readiness. For this reason, an emphasis is laid upon evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience rather than theoretical knowledge.

The Ionic assessment test helps to screen the candidates who possess the following traits: 

  • Good understanding of Javascript Dom manipulation Techniques 
  • Ajax Techniques
  • Web Services
  • Excellent debugging and troubleshooting skills

Our Ionic Framework test ensures that the new hires will be the right fit for the position of programmer, having the proper coding knowledge, ionic framework knowledge, experience in Hybrid Mobile App development, and also having good communication with team members. The process of hiring such candidates will be done through our screening tests which are automated and will provide you with detailed analytical reports of each appeared candidate. Our score reports will help you to measure your technical skills, coding and debugging skills, and problem-solving skills by making your recruitment process easy with an efficient budget.

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How it works

Test Summary

The Ionic developer test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, LogicBox ( AI-based Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulations, True or False Questions, etc.

Our Ionic pre-employment test is designed considering EEOC guidelines; It will help you assess & hire diverse talent without bias.

Useful for hiring
  • Ionic Developer
  • Mobile Developer - Ionic Framework
  • Software Application Developer
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry Level/Mid
Topics Covered

UI components

Implementing click events with buttons


Mobile information using ionic




Cordova plugins



Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Applying css properties to ionic elements


Q 1. "Given below is a code snippet to inject an element inside the <ion-item>
in your ionic application:
<div class="" item-content"">
Which of the following code in CSS can be used to change the background color of this ion-item?"

".item-content { background-color:#ffffff; }"
"@item-content { background-color:#ffffff; }"
".item-content { bg-color:#ffffff; }"
"@item-content { color:#ffffff; }"
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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