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iOS Programming Test
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iOS Programming Test

This test aids tech recruiters and L&D managers in evaluating the programming abilities of developers. In fact, this assessment has significantly reduced technical screening time for our customers by up to 85%.

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iOS Programming Test

This test is the ideal skills assessment test for recruiters and L&D managers looking to assess the various iOS programming skill proficiency of candidates and employees. It is designed and validated by experienced SMEs to help you accurately benchmark candidates against the industry and can create a quality bar for existing employees.

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How it works

Test Summary

iOS programming test helps to screen individuals who possess skills as follows:

  • Excellent knowledge of mobile design & architecture
  • Good knowledge of push notifications & Persistent storage
  • Good hands-on experience in data structures: Graphs & data structures: Trees
  • Excellent understanding of array operations

Assessing candidates and employees with our online test is secure and reliable. You can use our role-based access control feature to restrict system access based on the roles of individual users within the recruiting team. Features like window violation and webcam proctoring help detect cheating during the test.

Useful for hiring
  • iOS Application Developer
  • iOS Swift Developer
  • iOS Developer
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry / Mid / Expert
Topics Covered

Mobile Design & Architecture

iOS programming test allows recruiters and L&D managers to test individuals’ understanding of Architecture Patterns and Mobile Design skills to develop an application.

Persistent storage

This section helps to gauge individuals’ knowledge of creating applications that persist data storage of any form and can retrieve it.

Push Notification

This section evaluates an individual’s capacity to generate push user-facing alerts locally from your app or a server and deliver them to the user’s device.

Data structures: Trees

This section lets you quantify developers' ability to use Swift structures to encapsulate related properties to assess developers' ability to write Classes and Objects to create Trees.

Data Structures: Graphs

This section assesses individuals’ ability to develop an application and capture relationships between objects to create graphs.

Array operations

This section aids you in testing an individual on his ability of Swift Coding to use arrays to organize the app’s data in code using a literal array.
Sample Question
Choose from our 100,000+ questions library or add your own questions to make powerful custom tests.
Question type
Topics covered
Core data


Q 1. Which of the following iOS codes is used to synthesize methods for the NSString *title property?

(NSString*) title { return title; } -(void) setTitle: (NSString *) newTitle{ if(newTitle != title){ [title release]; title=[newTitle retain];

(NSString*) title { return title; } -(void) setTitle: (NSString *) newTitle{ if(newTitle = title){ [title release]; title=[newTitle retain];

(NSString) title* { return title; } -(void) setTitle: (NSString *) newTitle{ if(newTitle != title){ [title release]; title=[newTitle retain];

None of the options.
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Test Report
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How is the iOS programming test customized?
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This Skills Test is customizable to fit specific hiring and upskilling/reskilling requirements. The test assesses the individual’s skills, including proficiency in Array operations, Mobile Design & Architecture, Persistent storage, Data Structures: Graphs, and more. You can also add your own questions and vary the level of difficulty of the test to best suit their hiring and L&D needs.

What are the most common interview questions?
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A few routinely asked questions on the subject include the following:

  • What is the difference between a structure and a class in Swift?
  • Explain the concept of optional in Swift. How are they useful?
  • What is the delegate pattern in iOS? Provide an example of how it is used.
  • What is the difference between retain cycle and memory leak in iOS development?
  • How does the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern relate to iOS development?

Explore our thoughtfully curated selection of iOS interview questions, designed to evaluate candidates' technical expertise and identify the ideal addition to your team.

What are the required skillsets to work on iOS Programming?
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A few of the skills required to work in this role are detailed below.

Technical Skills

  • Proficiency in Swift or Objective-C
  • iOS Frameworks
  • iOS Architecture Patterns
  • User Interface (UI) Design

Non-Technical Skills

  • Problem-Solving
  • Collaboration
  • Attention to Detail
  • Continuous Learn Intime Management