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Java Coding Test (High)
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Java Coding Test (High)

The Advanced Java programming online test is the preferred pre-employment test for tech recruiters and hiring managers to hire job-fit candidates for roles such as Java Experts, Sr Java Programmers, and Sr. Java Software Developers, to name a few. Online tests for advanced java can reduce hiring time by 40% and improve the interview-to-selection ratio by 85% by filtering out irrelevant candidates.

A computer screen displaying lines of code, written in a programming language such as Java
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Advanced Java Programming Online Test- High Level Coding

Advanced Java programming online test helps recruiters & hiring managers assess the programming skills of experienced Java developers. Online test for advanced Java is designed and validated by professional Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to evaluate and hire an experienced Java developer as per industry standards.

This test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, AI-LogicBox (AI-based Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulators, True or False Questions, etc.

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Test Summary

Why use iMocha’s advanced Java programming online test?

Advanced Java programming online test uses a coding simulator to evaluate a candidate’s written codes using multiple test cases. You will also get a detailed report for each test case execution. Candidates can take this java programming online test from anywhere in the comfort of their time zone.  

Assessing candidates with this online test is secure and reliable. You can use our role-based access control feature to restrict system access based on the roles of individual users within the recruiting team. Features like window violation and webcam proctoring help detect cheating during the test.

Online test for advanced java is designed considering EEOC guidelines. It will help you to assess and hire diverse talent without bias.

This test may contain Coding Simulation Questions and Innovative AI-LogicBox (an AI-based pseudo-coding platform) to assess a candidate’s practical coding skills in a fun and quick way.

Useful for hiring
  • Java Experts
  • Senior Java Programmers
  • Sr. Java Software Developers
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Sample Question
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Question type
Topics covered
Mathematical Calculations: Divisibility by 3, Algorithmic Coding Problems


If you are given the Battle day, Identify which of the two houses will be participating in the fight.  

Given : 
- Three houses M, D and E are participating in a fight contest. 
- The participant of fight are identified by applying following operation to the Battle day

  • If the Battle day is divisible by 3, it is fought between M and E.
  • If the remainder on diving battle day by 3 is 1, E and D participate.
  • if the remainder on dividing battle day with 3 is 2, D and M participate. 

Input Format
The first line will contain an integer Y.

Output Format
Report which of the two houses are fighting on the Yth day.
(i.e. you will have to print one of the three battles ME, ED or DM)

Sample Input


Sample Output


As 6 is divisible by 3.
Hence, the output is ME.

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Test Report
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What is Java Coding- High level? 
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Java is a multiplatform coding language that is used by programmers to design few implementations through its English-based commands. The first version of Java coding language was introduced in the year 1995 by James Gosling. Java Coding High test is based on the coding questions that help to assess the senior level knowledge of Java programming. This coding language is widely used in web development, android apps, big data, etc. The high-level Java programmer must have knowledge of some Java application containers, Big Data tools and Java automation apart from the basic coding.  

What are the intermediate level Java skills recruiter should look for while hiring Java developer?
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A few Java coding skills that you should learn as a high-level coder are:  

Technical Skills:

  • Core Java 8
  • Serialization in Java
  • Java Frameworks
  • Java Build Tools
  • Web Technologies
  • Java Testing Tools like Selenium
  • Java Application Containers
  • Big Data
  • Java EE Components
  • GitHub Version Control

Soft Skills:

  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Work Ethics
  • Analytical Thinking 
  • Open To Learning
  • Good Communication

Why use iMocha’s Java developer Test- High Level?
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iMocha's Java developer test- high is designed to help tech recruiters/hiring managers assess candidates on experienced levels. Advanced java test –high level is an assessment which includes some high-level coding questions that will help recruiters to:

  • Reduce hiring time with ready to use advanced java programming online test
  • Reduce cost-per-hire
  • Take data driven hiring decisions with comprehensive and comparative reports of the assessments

What are few interview questions that recruiter/hiring manager should ask to experienced level Java developer?
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Here are few interview questions that you can ask to Java developers & predict their technical proficiency:

  1. What is a Chained Exception in Java?
  2. State the differences between JAR and WAR files in Java?
  3. How does HashMap work in Java?
  4. What is the role of System.gc() and Runtime.gc() methods in Java?
  5. Does not overriding hashCode() method have any impact on performance?
  6. What happens when we create an object in Java?
  7. When do you override hashCode() and equals() methods in Java?
  8. Which are the different segments of memory?
  9. Does the garbage collector of Java guarantee that a program will not run out of memory?
  10. What is a ThreadFactory?
  11. What is the PermGen or Permanent Generation?
  12. Why is the Char array preferred over String for storing passwords?
How do you assess high level Java coding skills?
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iMocha's advance java coding test covers all the concepts of java programming and necessary for experienced level java programmers. This test contains high level coding questions assess the candidates without wasting time and money.

Tech recruiters/hiring managers can utilize features like coding simulators, LogicBox questions, Live coding interviews to assess Java coding skills of the developers. CodeReplay feature helps reviewer to replay screen capture of line-by-line code written by candidate. While, coding simulators comes with several candidate friendly features like default code stubs, intellisense, multiple test cases, so that candidates can focus more on algorithm to solve coding challenges. Hiring managers can use live coding interview to conduct coding assessments real time.