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Java Design Patterns Test
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Java Design Patterns Test

iMocha's Java Design Patterns online test is the most preferred skills assessment for recruiters and hiring managers to assess candidates' design patterns skills. This assessment helps hire Java developers and can help reduce hiring time by 40%.

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Java Design Patterns Online Test

Design patterns represent the best practices used by experienced object-oriented software developers. Design patterns are solutions to general problems that software developers face during software development. These patterns are mainly created for the OOPs languages like Java. In Java Design Patterns, three main patterns are exclusively used by the developers, namely – Creational (Singleton Design Pattern), Structural (Decorator Design Pattern), and Behavioral (Command Design Pattern).

Java Design Patterns online test helps tech recruiters and hiring managers to assess the candidate's design patterns programming skills. Java Design Patterns skills test is designed by experienced Subject Matter Experts (SME) to evaluate and hire Java developers as per industry standards.

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Test Summary

Java Design Patterns online test helps to screen the candidates who possess traits as follows:

  • Strong experience with various patterns like Structural Patterns, Behavioral Patterns, Singleton Design Patterns, etc.
  • Good knowledge of channeling messages and delivering guaranteed mechanisms.
  • Good understanding of using JDK factory methods and transferring objects. 
  • Familiarity with other patterns used in Java, like Remote Proxy Design Pattern and DAO Pattern. 

Java Design Patterns online test is a secure and reliable way of candidate assessment. You can use our role-based access control feature to restrict system access based on the roles of individual users within the recruiting team. Features like window violation, image, audio & video proctoring help detect cheating during the test.

This test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, LogicBox (AI-based Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulators, True or False Questions, etc.

Useful for hiring
  • Java Developer
  • Software Engineer – Java
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry Level/Mid/Senior
Topics Covered

Structural Patterns

Java design patterns online test helps recruiters to assess candidates' ability to use structural patterns to make classes & objects reusable

Behavioral Patterns

This assessment helps tech recruiters to assess developers' skills related to behavioral design patterns to increase flexibility in carrying out communication patterns among objects

Singleton Design Pattern

This test assesses candidates' ability to use singleton design pattern in application so that one object can coordinate actions across the system

Remote Proxy Design Pattern

This assessment helps recruiters to evaluate candidates ability to use remote proxy design pattern to represent the object located remotely

DAO Pattern

Design patterns online test helps recruiters to evaluate candidate knowledge of using DAO pattern to separate low level data accessing API or operations from high level business services

Messaging Channels

Design patterns online test helps recruiter to assess candidates' ability to use Messaging Channels to allow one application communicate with another
Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Structural Patterns


As shown in the diagram, the client class has information about upper x and y, and lower x and y. This is all we need for displaying rectangles, but we have a legacy rectangles class that is displaying rectangles based on different parameters. We should not delete the legacy rectangle or change it since it is already in use. Which design pattern could help us based on this diagram?



  • Composite
  • Bridge
  • Adapter
  • Interpreter
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