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LinkedIn Marketing Test
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LinkedIn Marketing Test

iMocha’s LinkedIn Marketing IQ Test is the most effective test to gauge a candidate’s knowledge about running marketing campaigns on LinkedIn. This LinkedIn Marketing IQ assessment helps hire LinkedIn Experts, LinkedIn Marketing Experts, and Social Media, Analysts. Our test has helped our customers reduce hiring costs by 40%.

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LinkedIn Marketing IQ Test

LinkedIn Marketing IQ Online Test helps Recruiters and Hiring Managers to evaluate the applicant's skills required to run marketing campaigns on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a professional networking tool mainly used for B2B businesses. LinkedIn Marketing helps you to target particular audiences to grow and build your business and to connect with Business professionals.

The LinkedIn marketing IQ test has been designed and developed to help employers and recruiters evaluate the LinkedIn marketing skills of candidates. LinkedIn Marketing Online quiz contains meaningful questions on LinkedIn rules and regulations, advertising policies on LinkedIn, keyboard shortcuts, abbreviations of words, conditions in making groups, questions on the different applications used by LinkedIn, and much more.

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Test Summary

LinkedIn Marketing IQ assessment Test is designed by our subject matter experts, which helps employers hire LinkedIn Marketing Experts. Using powerful reporting, you can have a detailed analysis of the test results to help you make a better hiring decision and predict the candidate’s performance.

The LinkedIn marketing IQ test enables employers and recruiters to identify potential hires by evaluating working skills and job readiness. For this reason, an emphasis is laid upon evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience rather than theoretical knowledge.

The LinkedIn marketing test contains a combination of application and theory questions that help you evaluate candidates’ technical and practical skills.

Useful for hiring
  • LinkedIn Expert
  • LinkedIn Marketing Expert
  • Social Media Analyst
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

LinkedIn rules and regulations

iMocha's LinkedIn Marketing IQ Test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate candidates' understanding of LinkedIn advertising guidelines to create quality ads.

Questions on the different application used by LinkedIn

Our test assesses candidates based on their Experience and Skills on LinkedIn.

Keyboard shortcuts

Our test helps assess the candidate's understanding of the keyboard shortcut for LinkedIn, which helps improve user functionality.

Conditions in making group

This LinkedIn Marketing IQ assessment helps recruiters and hiring managers assess candidates' ability to create, run and grow groups by following LinkedIn group rules.

Advertising policies on LinkedIn

This test evaluates the candidate's knowledge of LinkedIn ads policies which state ads must not be offensive, hateful, vulgar, or violent.

Abbreviations of words

This test evaluates candidate’s ability to understand abbreviations used in LinkedIn platform.
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Topics covered


A helicopter view of the employee's progress
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