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Microprocessor Fundamentals Skills Assessment Test
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Microprocessor Fundamentals Skills Assessment Test

This Skills Test assists you in assessing your candidates and employees for their in-depth knowledge of concepts like microprocessor components, working sequences, features, Neumann architecture, and more. You can leverage it to evaluate the most suitable individuals for job while reducing the screening time by as much as 80%.

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The United Nations

What is Microprocessor and its fundamentals?

It is a computer’s Central Processing Unit (CPU) that is housed on a single integrated circuit. It consists of thousands of micro-components like transistors, registers, and diodes that work together to read binary instructions from the computer’s memory.

Why use iMocha’s Microprocessor Fundamentals skills test?

This comprehensive assessment allows the HR team and L&D managers to effectively gauge candidates or employees for their knowledge of the workings of microprocessors, their architecture, programming, peripherals, and much more. The test can be customized based on difficulty levels, skillsets, and custom questions to make it suitable for the job role.

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How it works

Test Summary

You can use this test to assess following capabilities:

  • The basics: Internal workings of microprocessors, instruction set architecture like CISC and RISC, bus structure, memory organization, etc.
  • Programming languages: Assembly language, C/C++, PASCAL, and FORTRAN
  • Microcontroller systems: Timers like PIT, interrupts, serial communication interfaces, pulse-width modulation, blocks, etc.
  • Troubleshooting: Debugging, identification of issues with hardware and software, etc.
  • Circuit design: Basic principles and circuit implementation using microprocessors.
  • Analytical aptitude and problem-solving.

You can also couple this assessment with various proctoring features offered by iMocha – such as audio, video proctoring, safe assessment browser, copy-paste safe, and more.

Useful for hiring
  • Microprocessor Engineer
  • Embedded Systems Engineer
  • Microcontroller Engineer
  • Firmware Engineer
  • Digital Design Engineer
  • Computer Hardware Engineer
  • Microprocessor Programmer
  • Microprocessor Test Engineer
  • System Integration Engineer
  • Hardware Design Engineer
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Topics Covered





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Test Report
You can customize this test by

Setting the difficulty level of the test

Choose easy, medium, or tricky questions from our skill libraries to assess candidates of different experience levels.

Combining multiple skills into one test

Add multiple skills in a single test to create an effective assessment and assess multiple skills together.

Adding your own
questions to the test

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Requesting a tailor-made test

Receive a tailored assessment created by our subject matter experts to ensure adequate screening.
How is the Microprocessor Fundamentals skills test customized?
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iMocha’s assessment is thoroughly customizable. It allows you to judge your candidates for specific traits and skills. You can set the difficulty level of the test and select easy, moderate, difficult, or expert levels. You can even add related skills to assess your candidates on a multitude of concepts related to the role.

What are the most common interview questions related to Microprocessor Fundamentals?
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Some of the popular and most comprehensive interview questions are:

  • What is the difference between timers and counters in a microcontroller?
  • Tell us about a few applications of microprocessors.
  • How are serial communication flags and registers used in microprocessors?
  • What are the types of Interrupts in 8051?
  • What are real-time embedded systems?
  • What is a subroutine?
  • Explain Interfacing in Microprocessor 8086.
What are the required skill sets to work on Microprocessor Fundamentals?
Down Arrow Circle

Some of the common skill set required for this role are:

Hard Skills

  • Knowledge of microprocessor programming languages like C, C++, FORTRAN, or PASCAL
  • VLSI circuit design skills
  • Digital hardware design
  • MOS Devices and computer architecture and design

Soft Skills

  • Excellent communication skills
  • Time management
  • Problem-solving
  • Leadership