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AWS Test (Basic)
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AWS Test (Basic)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) logo on a gray background
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Online AWS Quiz Test- Basic Level

Amazon Web Services offers a complete set of infrastructure and application services that enable you to run virtually everything in the cloud. It is a subsidiary of Amazon.com that offers on-demand cloud computing platforms. AWS quiz of basic level helps recruiters and hiring managers to effectively assess the skills of the AWS developers before an interview. This online AWS quiz is designed to check the AWS basics skills of AWS developer- as per industry standards.

AWS online quiz helps to screen the candidates who possess traits as follows:

  • Knowledge and experience of AWS applications, concepts, and functions
  • Experience in Ansible and Jenkins
  • Experience in Java and Python coding (medium)
  • Experience in SQLite coding

Employers can ask the candidate to appear for this AWS Quiz online. This AWS interview test is designed and validated by our subject-matter experts to evaluate knowledge of COBOL400 before hiring. Using powerful reporting, you can have a detailed analysis of the test results to help you make a better hiring decision and predict the candidate’s performance. AWS test of basic level helps recruiters and hiring managers to effectively assess the skills of the AWS developers before an interview.

AWS test of basic level helps recruiters and hiring managers to effectively assess the skills of the AWS developers before an interview. For this reason, the emphasis is laid upon evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience, rather than theoretical knowledge. Check out these AWS interview questions to hire experienced AWS professionals.

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How it works

Test Summary

AWS skills test may contain MCQ's (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQ's (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio/Video Questions, LogicBox (AI-based Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulations, True or False Questions, etc.

Useful for hiring
  • AWS Developer (0-2 yrs of experience)
  • AWS Engineer
  • AWS Cloud Engineer
  • AWS Administrator
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Amazon EC2

Amazon CloudFront


AWS Storage


Build & Automation


Infrastructure Automation



Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Scaling Jenkins


How can you use the EC2 Container Service to provide elastic agents and call the ECS API to deploy slave agents of Jenkins?


  • Using Fargate
  • Using Agentgate
  • Using Admingate
  • Using Sourcegate
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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