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Email Etiquette Test

An envelope with a white paper letter sticking out
The United Nations
The United Nations

Online Business Email Etiquette Assessment Test

One of the essential attributes of a successful business executive at any level across the organization is his/her ability to communicate effectively with the members across various grades, genders, and levels. The business executives who are able to present their ideas effectively to the world are able to create much greater value for themselves and for the company.

In today’s knowledge-driven economy, geographical boundaries are converging and collaboration across members is increasing, emails are the most commonly used format of communication across the organization.

All job roles across from executive to CXO’s interact with internal and external stakeholders via emails. As all real-life scenarios like customer service, requirement gathering, communication with stakeholders happen via emails they (emails) have become a very important part of communication gamut. A well-drafted email helps in building the professional image of organization on the contrary loosely structured / unstructured emails can tarnish the hard-earned brand equity of the company.

Since emails are one way of communication and are open to readers/recipient’s interpretations, it is very important that executives who are in the client facing role understand this science of email etiquettes.

Our business email etiquette skill test shimmers in the colossal ocean of recruitment and is a ray of hope for all the recruiting managers to find a pearl from the ocean. The scenario-based approach to email etiquette assessment helps you to identify the “articulation ability and professionalism of an individual to write professional emails to deal with a specific global context”.

Our email etiquette skills assessment test evaluates individual’s understanding of email etiquettes through series of questions in following areas:

  1. What are emails, what are the do’s and don’ts of the same?
  2. How are emails critical to business and how the executive should respond?
  3. Why are emails critical, why replies should be timely and a particular format should be used?
  4. Question specific to case analysis and critical situations

Business email etiquette assessment test helps to screen the candidates who possess following traits:

  1. Excellent email writing skills
  2. Excellent communication skills
  3. Professionalism while replying to e-mails, level of formality, addressing, courtesy, prompt reply
  4. Understanding of format of an e-mail
  5. Knowledge of proper use of punctuation

iMocha’s business email etiquette skill test has unique set of questions. Candidate ranking tool can be used to speed up process of hiring best fit for the company. Using powerful reporting feature, you can have a detailed analysis of the test results. You can evaluate candidate’s performance in each skill set making hiring process easy. Our Email Etiquette pre-employment test also offers webcam proctoring that makes our test and test platform more secure.

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Test Summary

The email etiquette online test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Whiteboard Questions, Audio/Video Questions, LogicBox (AI-based essay evaluation), Job-based Simulations, True or False Questions, etc.

Business email etiquette assessment test is designed considering EEOC guidelines, it will help you assess and hire diverse talent without any bias.

Useful for hiring
  • Business Executive
  • Operations Manager
  • Customer Service/Customer Support Executive
  • Marketing/Business Development Executives
  • Sales Executives
  • Customer Success Executive
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry level
Topics Covered

Basic Knowledge of Email Etiquettes





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Multiple Option
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Victor is sending an email to someone for the first time. How should he address the receiver?


  • By their nickname
  • By their first name
  • With an honorific and their last name
  • By their middle name
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
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