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Oracle WebCenter Test
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Oracle WebCenter Test

Oracle WebCenter online test enables recruiters and hiring managers to hire job-fit candidate within a short period and take unbiased decision. This test is useful for hiring Oracle Database Architect, Oracle DBA, and Oracle WebCenter Consultant. Our Oracle WebCenter test reduces hiring time by 45%.

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Online Oracle WebCenter Online Skills Assessment Test

Oracle WebCenter online test is created and validated by global Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to assess the Oracle WebCenter skills of the Oracle WebCenter consultants- as per industry standards.

Oracle WebCenter is the center of engagement for business powering exceptional experiences for customers, partners, and employees. The Oracle WebCenter connects people, processes, and information with a complete portfolio of portal, content management, Web experience management, and collaboration technologies.

This online Oracle WebCenter test helps recruiting teams and hiring managers to validate candidate’s expertise in Oracle WebCenter before an interview.

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How it works

Test Summary

Using powerful reporting, you can have a detailed analysis of the Oracle WebCenter skills test results to help you make better hiring decisions and predict the candidate’s performance.

To know about the candidate experience, we have introduced a new feature called candidate feedback module. It helps you ensure that candidates are getting excellent experience while attempting the test.

The Oracle WebCenter skill test enables employers and recruiters to identify potential hires by evaluating working skills and job readiness. For this reason, an emphasis is laid upon evaluating their knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience rather than theoretical knowledge.

The test contains MCQ's (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQ's (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blank, Descriptive, True or False.

The Online Oracle WebCenter test contains the combination of application and theory questions that helps you to evaluate practical & technical skills of candidates.

Read this blog to discover how you can assess and hire database developers using iMocha assessments.

Useful for hiring
  • Oracle Database Architect
  • Oracle DBA
  • Oracle WebCenter Consultant
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Create WebCenter Portal Application

iMocha’s Oracle WebCenter online test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate candidate’s ability to create an application by using Oracle WebCenter portal

Writing two portlets

This online Oracle WebCenter test evaluates candidate’s ability to write portlets

Viewing and Accessing Available Portals

This test evaluates applicant’s ability to view and access available portals in Oracle WebCenter PortalJoining a Portal

Viewing a Page in a Portal

Our test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate candidate’s ability to view a page in Portal

Page Style

This online Oracle WebCenter test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate candidate’s ability to create, modify, and manage a page style

Page Hierarchy

This test helps to validate applicant’s understanding about page hierarchy that helps to organize pages into tree structure with relation of parent-child between them
Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Oracle WebCentre Portal


Q 1. While creating pages in the home portal of the Oracle WebCenter Portal, you want to create all your pages with the same style. How can it be done?

By creating a home page and using its style for all subsequent pages by selecting style = "Cascade Home".
By selecting "Yes" for the "Enable One-Click Page Creation" when you create the first page. Then, use the same style for all subsequent pages.    
By selecting Page Style = "Import Parent" for each page you create after creating the first page with the Level as "Root."
By creating the home page with the required style and duplicating it the required number of times.
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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