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Procurement Analyst Test
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Procurement Analyst Test

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Procurement Analyst Assessment Test

Procurement analysis is the process of analysis in which you get to know what is going on in your purchasing department, are they keeping to the purchasing strategy and are inventories being kept to the optimum levels. Procurement analysts are the experts who are also known as purchasing analysts, agents or managers. These analysts are employed by companies and organizations to purchase goods or services from wholesale distributors, manufacturers or other product or service providers.

Procurement analyst skills test helps hiring manager and recruiters to find the best suitable candidate by assessing skills like procurement operations expertise, analytical, verbal and written skills. Procurement analyst assessment test questions are designed and validated by subject matter experts (SMEs) as per the industry standards.

Procurement analyst skill test helps to screen the candidates who possess traits as follows:

  1. Knowledge on how to improve procurement operations and focusing on basic commodities that require limited technical expertise
  2. Ability to perform process-oriented tasks applying discretion and judgment, such as taking purchase requests, making essential business procurement and financial checks, and using automated tools
  3. Strong analytical and decision-making skills
  4. Excellent verbal and written communication
  5. Strong negotiation skills

iMocha’s procurement analyst assessment test has a unique set of questions. You can also create or ask us to create a customized test that includes questions that are specific to your job-requirement. Our powerful reporting helps you to analyze section wise performance of candidate to gauge his strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, you can always use our candidate ranking tool to screen best performing candidate amongst others.

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Test Summary

The procurement analyst online test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Whiteboard Questions, Audio/Video Questions, LogicBox (AI-based essay evaluation), Job-based Simulations, True or False Questions, etc.

Online purchase/procurement analyst test is designed considering EEOC guidelines, it will help you assess and hire diverse talent without any bias.

Useful for hiring
  • Procurement Analyst
  • Purchase Analyst
  • Buyer analyst
  • Procurement coordinator
  • Sourcing (Procurement) Specialists
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Spend Analysis

Contract Management


HSEQ Performance Standards


Cost-Adjustment Models




Sourcing Data Analysis

Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Spend analysis


The following table shows three expenditures of the company in the past quarter and the number of vendors that exclusively caused those expenditures.

Table with expenditures of the company

The company wants to perform the following operations in the next quarter:
A. Quickly automate some processes internally that were earlier outsourced
B. Improve processes to reduce the cost

Which of the following expenditures should the two actions most likely pertain to?


  • A: Z<br />B: X
  • A: Z<br />B: Y
  • A: Y<br />B: X
  • A: X<br />B: Z
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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