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Ruby Test Descriptive
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Ruby Test Descriptive

iMocha’s online Ruby test enables recruiters and hiring managers to hire job-fit candidate within a short period and take unbiased decision. This test is useful for hiring Ruby Developer. Our customers have reported 45% reduction in hiring time after using this Ruby test.

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Ruby Descriptive Test Assessment

To solve this major problem of guesswork in tests, iMocha has launched its unique innovative tool - “The Descriptive Test Simulator” that can evaluate essay type answers.

By the use of online Descriptive test simulator, candidates will be able to write one-word answers, short essay type, and long essay type answers. These answers are evaluated through our descriptive assessment engine. This reduces guesstimates in online assessments and gives results sharper than ever.

The Ruby test online is specially designed and developed to effectively check the descriptive knowledge related to Ruby language through our proper descriptive simulator assessment. This online Ruby test is reviewed, qualified and validated by our subject matter experts (SMEs).

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Test Summary

Ruby test enables employers and recruiters to identify potential Ruby developers by evaluating working skills and job readiness. For this reason, we have moved on from the MCQ and developed a new simulator known as Descriptive Simulator which evaluates candidates Descriptive Answers and grades them automatically.

The Online Ruby test may contain MCQ's (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQ's (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, AI-LogicBox, Coding Simulations, True or False Questions, etc. This assessment can be combined with additional Ruby tests to make it a comprehensive assessment to suit specific job role requirements.

Ruby skills test is designed considering EEOC guidelines, it will help you assess & hire diverse talent without any bias.

Useful for hiring
  • Ruby Developer
Test Duration
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Level of Expertise
Topics Covered


iMocha’s Ruby test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate candidate’s understanding about datatypes attribute used in Ruby which represents types of data like text, string, numbers, etc.


Our online Ruby test helps evaluate candidate’s knowledge about iterators in Ruby which are methods supported by collections


This test assesses applicant’s understanding about input data provided by the user and output data produced by the program

Inheritance and Mixins

This assessment help to evaluate a candidate’s understanding about inheritance property that is used to retrieve properties of another class and mixins that allows modules to access instance methods of another

Function Overloading and Classes

Our Ruby online test evaluates candidate’s knowledge about function overloading in Ruby which can have same name and different parameter list


This assessment evaluates a candidate’s understanding about classes that helps to initialize or create other objects
Sample Question
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Question type
AI-Logic Box
Topics covered


Q 1. Harry, a dollar store owner, decides to use his software engineering skills by writing an application to manage his store. He decides to catalog his products by name and price from the list given below: "Rubber Band $1"
"Torch $9"
"Coffee Mug $5"
"Sling bag $7"
His prices are single digits. When he enters a product name and price in one single string in his software, it should return the product name and the price in the form of a Hash.
He has written the following sample script.
A few lines in the Sample Script are missing (Write your code here). You need to complete the code as per the given instructions.
At Blank 1: Get the product from the string.
At Blank 2: Get the price from the string.
Sample Script:
def catalog(string) puts string products =

price =

return Hash[product, price]
catalog("Rubber Band $1")
{"Rubber Band"=>1} #FINAL ANSWER

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Test Report
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