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Spring Cloud Test
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Spring Cloud Test

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Online Spring Cloud Test

Online Spring Cloud test is designed and developed by global subject matter experts (SME)s to assess the skills of developers for developing design patterns of distributed systems using Spring Boot Framework - as per industry standards. Spring Cloud online test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate the expertise of candidates in building Spring Cloud applications.

Spring Cloud provides tools for developers to quickly build some common patterns in the distributed systems. Coordination of distributed systems leads to boilerplate patterns. Using Spring Cloud, developers can quickly build services and applications that implement those patterns. Spring Cloud skills test enables employers to identify potential developers by evaluating working skills and job readiness. Reports are generated instantly. Our hiring analytics on Spring Cloud assessment test will provide you with a detailed analysis of skills related strengths and weaknesses of candidates for better hiring decisions.

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Test Summary

Spring Cloud test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, LogicBox (AI-based Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulators, True or False Questions, etc.

Useful for hiring
  • Spring Cloud Developer
  • Java/Spring Developer
  • Technical Architect -Spring Cloud
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Spring Cloud Concepts

Spring Cloud Config Concepts


Working with Spring Cloud Hystrix


Spring Cloud Eureka Concepts


Working with Spring Cloud Bus


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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Spring Cloud Concepts


Q 1. Which definition correctly describes the eureka.client.fetchRegistry property?

Eureka clients obtain the server registration information and store it on-site. After that, customers use this information to find other services. Since this application is the Eureka server itself, we disable this search through this property.
Time in milliseconds that Eureka server will wait between client synchronization is a property of eureka.client.fetchRegistry.
Even though it is a Eureka server, this application is still a microservice like the others, so it must register itself on Eureka. This property lets you set this setting.
This property represents the host where the Eureka server will be started.
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