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Oracle Apps DBA Test
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Oracle Apps DBA Test

iMocha’s Oracle Apps DBA online test is the preferred pre-employment test for recruiters and hiring managers to hire job-fit candidates for roles such as Oracle Apps DBA Expert, Oracle Apps DBA - Sr. Consultant, Oracle Apps DBA, Senior Oracle DBA, and Oracle Applications Administrator. Our online Oracle Apps DBA test has helped our customers to reduce hiring costs by 40%.

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Oracle Apps DBA Online Assessment Test

This Oracle Apps DBA online test enables hiring managers and recruiters to assess the skills of applicants related to business administration and Oracle application server architectures before an interview. Oracle Applications DBA tasks (Oracle Financials, Oracle e-Business Suite) is a complex framework of modules that performs basic business administration and the DBA must have a fundamental understanding of the business processes.

Online Oracle Apps DBA test is specially designed by our global subject matter experts to test knowledge of the candidates to hire Oracle Applications DBA – as per industry standards. We also provide customizable Oracle Apps DBA assessment test. Using powerful reporting, you will have a detailed analysis of test results to help you make better decisions and predict candidate and employee success.

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Test Summary

Oracle Applications DBA online skill test enables employers and recruiters to identify potential hires by evaluating their working skills and job readiness. For this reason, emphasis is laid upon evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience, rather than theoretical knowledge.

This Oracle Apps DBA interview test contains MCQ's (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQ's (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blank, Descriptive, True or False.

The combination of application questions helps to evaluate technical as well as practical skills of candidates.

Useful for hiring
  • Oracle Apps DBA Expert
  • Oracle Apps DBA - Sr. Consultant
  • Oracle Apps DBA
  • Senior Oracle DBA
  • Oracle Applications Administrator
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Data Modeling – OLTP

iMocha’s Oracle Apps DBA online test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate candidate’s understanding about data modeling which represents visual data of online transaction processing (OLTP)

Troubleshooting issues in Production / Development Environments

This test evaluates candidate’s ability to troubleshoot and find issues in production or developing environments

Troubleshooting Database issues

Our test assesses candidate’s ability to find out problems with database and resolve it with best suitable solution

Real Application Cluster (RAC)

This test assesses applicant’s knowledge about Real Application Cluster (RAC) which helps to cluster Oracle databases

Query Optimization

This assessment evaluates a candidate’s ability to use queries in the most efficient way

Queries and Subqueries

This Oracle Applications DBA skill test evaluates candidate’s understanding about queries which helps to perform some operations and subqueries which are nested within queries
Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Database Performance


Q 1. Why sites that run with too few and too small redo logs doesn't perform well?

it cause system checkpoints to continuously put a high load on the buffer cache and I/O system
archive process are not stable
database has to wait for archive processes
All of the mentioned
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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