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Oracle FDM Test
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Oracle FDM Test

iMocha's Oracle Financial Data Quality Management test is the ideal skills assessment for recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate candidate's understanding of FDM/FDMEE. Our test enables you to hire job-fit candidates for roles such as Oracle Finance Functional Analyst and Oracle Financial Data Quality Analyst. The test reduces hiring cost by 40%

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Oracle Financial Data Quality Management Test

Oracle FDM and FDMEE have several features and functions to ensure ease of use and elimination of errors and bottlenecks. They enable creation of standardized, end-to-end collection processes for financial data that include mapping, verification, validations, and real-time quality and error checks at every step of the process. They also provide prebuilt audit, log, system and process management reports that can be modified for specific users.

Oracle Financial Data Quality Management test provides powerful reporting feature that helps you to analyze section wise performance of candidates to gauge their strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, you can always use our candidate ranking tool to screen the best performers.

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How it works

Test Summary

Oracle FDMEE skills test & helps to screen candidates who possess skills as follows:

  • Good knowledge of using import formats in FDMEE
  • Strong experience with FDM workbench for integration and development features
  • Knowledge of data load mappings in Oracle FDMEE
  • Familiarity with other terms like data loads, data sources, and data integration
Useful for hiring
  • Oracle Finance Functional Analyst
  • Oracle Financial Data Quality Analyst
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Import Formats

Our test evaluates candidates understanding of how the data is stored in the FDMEE staging table. Import Formats are created for a single accounting entity


This test assesses candidates' understanding of Workbench for application setup, integration, and development features in FDM

Data Load Mappings

Our test evaluates candidate&



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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Data load mappings


In FDMEE, we have defined data load mappings for an Account as follows:
123* --> 123*
12345 ---> 12356
In the file, we have data for 12345 as $1000, and for 12356 data is $2000. Select the correct option.


  • Member 12356 will be loaded with $2000 as like mapping takes precedence
  • Member 12356 will be loaded with $1000 as explicit mapping takes precedence
  • Member 12345 will be loaded with $1000 as explicit mapping takes precedence
  • Member 12345 will be loaded with $2000 as like mapping takes precedence
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Test Report
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[2:04 PM] Upasana Paul