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Oracle Flexcube Test
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Entry level/Mid/Senior

Oracle Flexcube Test

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Oracle Flexcube Online Test

Flexcube is a universal banking solution designed by Oracle, especially for banks. Oracle Flexcube provides a comprehensive, integrated, interoperable, and modular solution that enables banks to manage evolving customer expectations. Oracle Flexcubes acts as the core banking solution that empowers customers for self-service; enables up-selling and cross-selling through intelligent dashboards; drives higher fee Income with differentiated investment services; monitors, manages and regulates processes, compliance, and reporting; delivers product extensibility; and increase flexibility and interoperability.

Our Oracle Flexcube online test is created and validated by experienced subject matter experts (SMEs) to assess Oracle Flexcube development skills of candidates as per industry standards. Oracle Flexcube assessment test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate the expertise of candidates in the field of Flexcube development.

The online Oracle Flexcube test  screens  candidates who possess skills:

- Cash Current Account

- Demand Draft

- Loans (Home loan, Personal Loan, Mortgage loan)

- Fund transfers (NEFT)

- Overdraft

- Savings (single, Joint)

- Deposits (Fixed, recurring)

Our Oracle Flexcube skills test will make sure to assess all the required skills such as Flexcube, PLSQL, banking, Oracle. The Oracle Flexcube test will further ensure that the hiring manager finds the best-fit candidate for the role. Our score reports will give a detailed analysis of each candidate and  provide the analytical data to reduce hiring time.

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How it works

Test Summary

The Oracle Flexcube online test enables employers and recruiters to identify potential hires by evaluating working skills and job readiness. For this reason,  emphasis is laid upon evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience, rather than theoretical knowledge.

The test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blank, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, True or False.

Test Duration: 20 minutes

10 Application Questions

Our test contains a combination of application and theory questions that help you to evaluate the application as well as practical skills of candidates.

Useful for hiring
  • Application Support Engineer - Flexcube
  • Flexcube Developer
  • Flexcube Consultant
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry level/Mid/Senior
Topics Covered

Cash Current Account Demand Draft

Loans (Home loan Personal Loan Mortgage loan)


Fund transfers (NEFT)


Overdraft Savings (single Joint)


Deposits (Fixed recurring)


Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Cash Current Account


While using the Oracle Flexcube solution, you decide to specify the slabs by setting a "To Amount." You entered the first amount as 10,000 and then after a point of time, for the next slab you set the "To amount" to "100,000". Determine which of the following alternatives will be shown for the provided amount slabs?


  • <img alt="Amount slab alternative 1" src="https://imtcdn.azureedge.net/636524568515261266_374.png" style="max-width:420px;" /><br />&nbsp;
  • <img alt="Amount slab alternative 2" src="https://imtcdn.azureedge.net/636524568621900432_374.png" style="max-width:420px;" /><br />&nbsp;
  • <img alt="Amount slab alternative 3" src="https://imtcdn.azureedge.net/636524568719729180_374.png" style="max-width:420px;" /><br />&nbsp;
  • <img alt="Amount slab alternative 4" src="https://imtcdn.azureedge.net/636524568837218910_374.png" style="max-width:420px;" /><br />&nbsp;
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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