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Oracle NetSuite Consultant Test
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Oracle NetSuite Consultant Test

This test helps tech talent managers evaluate individuals’ proficiency in advising clients on how to use the Oracle NetSuite software best. Moreover, it also helps reduce hiring costs by up to 40% and create more specified learning programs.

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Oracle NetSuite Consultant Test

Consultant in this field specializes in providing advice and guidance to clients on how to use the Oracle NetSuite software best. They are responsible for identifying business needs, recommending solutions, and implementing the software.

This test can help you to assess existing and potential employees' knowledge and skills related to NetSuite functionalities, business process analysis, and system implementation. Additionally, recruiters and L&D managers can evaluate their ability to understand and analyze the client's needs, communication and presentation skills. With the help of this test, you get to make informed decisions about whom to hire and where to focus your learning initiatives.

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How it works

Test Summary

Oracle NetSuite Consultant Test helps to screen individuals who possess the following traits:

  • Ability to track and monitor financial transactions in NetSuite.
  • Knowledge of user event scripts in SuiteScript.
  • Clear vision of how to create and use RESTlet web services in SuiteTalk.
  • Good understanding of creating and managing customer lists, records, and fields in SuiteBuilder.
  • Knowledge and experience in creating and processing sales orders in an ERP system.
  • Understanding of how to create and use basic SuiteFlow.

Recruiters and L&D managers can access comprehensive reports for each individual to get a section-wise comprehensive overview of their performance. Furthermore, its anti-cheating measures allow you to eliminate the chance of making unbiased talent decisions.

This assessment can be combined with other Oracle tests to make it a comprehensive assessment to suit specific job role requirements.

Useful for hiring
  • Junior Oracle NetSuite Consultant
  • Oracle NetSuite Consultant
  • Senior Oracle NetSuite Consultant
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry / Mid / Expert
Topics Covered

Transaction Tracking

Recruiters and L&D managers can evaluate an individual’s ability to track and monitor financial transactions in NetSuite.

User Event Scripts

This section helps to evaluate individuals’ understanding of creating and using user event scripts in SuiteScript.

Restlet Web Service

It helps to evaluate an individual's ability of working with RESTlet web services in SuiteTalk.

Customer List, Records, and Fields

Recruiters and talent managers can gauge an individual's understanding of managing customer lists, records, and fields in SuiteBuilder.

Sales Order

It helps to evaluate an individual’s knowledge and experience in creating and processing sales orders in an ERP system.

Basic SuiteFlow

Recruiters and L&D managers can evaluate an individual's understanding of creating and using basic SuiteFlow.
Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Answer
Topics covered
Custom Record Entries Permission


Q 1. Megan, an administrator at Global. LLC company, wants to turn on "Custom Records". What should she do?

Check "Company preferences"
Check "Enable Features"
Check "User/Roles"
Check "Set up customization"
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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How can I customize this test?
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This test can be custom created according to your requirements. For example, you can personalize your Oracle NetSuite Consultant Test by combining it with other related technical and non-technical skills like NetSuite functionalities, business process analysis, and system implementation. Moreover, you also get the ability to set the difficulty level of questions according to the role’s needs.

What are the most common interview questions asked for this role?
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Here are a few essential questions for this role:

  • What are the key modules or functionalities you have worked with in Oracle NetSuite? Can you explain your level of expertise in these areas?
  • Explain the steps you take to ensure accurate and comprehensive requirements gathering?
  • Describe the steps involved in configuring and customizing Oracle NetSuite to meet specific business needs. Provide an example of customization you have implemented.
  • How do you handle data migration and integration tasks in NetSuite projects?