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PHP Coding Test (Basic)
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PHP Coding Test (Basic)

PHP skills test is the most prefrred  pre-hire test for recruiters and hiring managers to assess candidate PHP basic skills objectively. PHP skill assessment test is useful for hiring  coders. This test helps you build winning tech team quickly by Increasing interview-to-selection ratio by 62% and reducing hiring time by 45%

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Online PHP Skills Assessment Test

PHP skills test helps recruiters and hiring managers to assess and hire PHP coders by measuring their basic PHP coding skills. The best way to evaluate a PHP coder for a role is to give them a coding test. The candidate must write code using PHP programming and Error handling to solve real-world problems. If a coder also writes comments for their code, then he is considered a good PHP coder. This PHP skill test is designed to check the basic level coding skills of a PHP Coder- as per industry standards.

Two important use cases for PHP assessment test

#1 Identifying job-fit candidates based on job roles

Finding job-fit candidates based on PHP assessment test is a simple process. At iMocha, skill assessment is prepared as per the job description by a Subject Matter Expert. Our team studies the job description carefully and notes down the skills required for the role. Lastly, with ready assessments, it’s easier to identify job-fit candidates.

#2 Skill-gap analysis of your employees

Measuring employee skill gap is a prerequisite for organizations. To achieve this, we provide pre-and post-training assessments to gauge the learning progress of employees. In order to make learning more effective, iMocha platform can be integrated with different legacy LMS. All questions related to PHP assessment can be customized.

Wondering what other skills we have in our World’s Largest Skills Assessment library?
Visit here
How it works

Test Summary

This PHP assessment test was developed and reviewed by subject matter experts (SMEs) to hire PHP coders by evaluating their coding skills at the basic level.

Our PHP assessment test is helpful in assessing candidate’s skills based on the job role. For example: PHP specialists create questions based on Regular Expression, Functions, Extensions, Constants, etc.

Using a robust reporting, you can have a detailed analysis of the test results to make a better hiring decision and predict the candidate’s performance.

This PHP skills test (Basic Level) enables employers and recruiters to identify & hire PHP coders by evaluating working skills and job readiness. For this reason, the emphasis on evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience rather than theoretical knowledge. Check out our curated list of PHP interview questions and answers that will help you assess candidates' technical skills and find the perfect fit for your team.

Useful for hiring
  • PHP Coder
  • Junior PHP Developer
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

PHP Coding

The PHP coding test assesses candidate’s knowledge of PHP coding





Sample Question
Choose from our 100,000+ questions library or add your own questions to make powerful custom tests.
Question type
Topics covered
Mathematical Calculations: Odd Numbers


Write a program to print the odd numbers from the list. The List terminates when -1 is encountered.


  • Odd Number: Numbers which are not divisible by 2.

Input Format
The list of numbers, one per line.

Output Format
Print odd numbers from the list, one per line.

Sample Input


Sample Output 


As 1, 3 and 9 are not divisible by 2. They are odd.

A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
You can customize this test by

Setting the difficulty level of the test

Choose easy, medium, or tricky questions from our skill libraries to assess candidates of different experience levels.

Combining multiple skills into one test

Add multiple skills in a single test to create an effective assessment and assess multiple skills together.

Adding your own
questions to the test

Add, edit, or bulk upload your coding, MCQ, and whiteboard questions.

Requesting a tailor-made test

Receive a tailored assessment created by our subject matter experts to ensure adequate screening.
How is PHP skills test customized?
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PHP assessment tests can be customized according to the job description. Questions can be added based on primary and secondary skills. Questions on PHP online screening test can be added based on easy, medium, and hard levels in the same test.

Also, explore how to hire PHP Developer with a step-by-step process

What are the most common interview questions for this role?
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Here are the most common interview questions for PHP developer:

  • How is unset different from unlink?
  • What is the difference between POST and GET?
  • How to enable error reporting in PHP?
  • What do you mean by SQL Injections? How you can prevent them?

Discover in this blog post how iMocha's assessments can aid you in evaluating and recruiting PHP developers.

What are the roles and responsibilities of PHP developer?
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Some of the roles and responsibilities are mentioned here:

  • Should be able to use standard development tools, prepare and manage all apps properly
  • Should be responsible for providing technical expertise and advice to the team members and product managers
  • Should be able to write technical and non-technical requirements
  • Should know how to communicate effectively

What are the required skillsets for this role?
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Listed below are some of the required skillsets:

  • They should know other programming languages
  • They should be comfortable with PSR, Composer, PHPUnit
  • They must have a good grip on PHP best practices and design patterns
  • They should have good communication skills
  • They should know how to solve the problem

Boost Your Hiring Success: The Ultimate Guide to assessing PHP Skills.

What is the package of PHP developer?
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On an average PHP developer’s salary in the USA is $100,000 per year or $51.28 per hour. At the initial level, PHP developer earns $80,008 per year and experienced earns up to $130,000 per year.