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Quantitative Analyst
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Quantitative Analyst

Quantitative analyst test enables recruiters and hiring managers to hire job-fit candidates quickly and make unbiased decisions. This test helps hire graduates, senior managers, and accountants. Our online quantitative analyst test helps to reduce hiring costs by 40%.

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Quantitative Analyst Test

Quantitative analysts use their knowledge of math and numerical operations to solve monetary or risk management problems. Quantitative analysts work with teams of mathematicians, engineers, and physicists to develop optimal systematic strategies for trading stock. They write programs, research, perform daily statistical analysis and solve problems to optimize trading strategies.

A quantitative analyst, or, in financial jargon, a quant, is a person who specializes in the application of mathematical and statistical methods – such as numerical or quantitative techniques – to financial and risk management problems. Similar work of industrial mathematics is done in most other modern industries, but the result is not always called quantitative analysis.

On the sell side, quantitative analysts help banks value their securities. On the buy side, they identify profitable investment opportunities and measure risk against reward. Outside of the banking world, a quantitative analyst might work for an insurance company helping to develop pricing models and risk evaluation strategies.

Some quantitative analysts, rather than crunching actual data to make investments or risk management decisions, work on the back end, developing computer software to evaluate financial data. These professionals almost invariably have advanced computer programming backgrounds in addition to mathematics and statistics.

 Key Skills Required:

  • Strong Finance Domain Knowledge – Financial Analysis, Financial Management, Management Accounting
  • Strong Math background – Quantitative Aptitude
  • Must be able to work with complex financial models – Excel Modelling
  • Understanding of equity markets, commodities pricing, bond and derivatives calculations – Equity Trading
  • Must be able to demonstrate excellent analytical and quantitative capabilities to solve original, non-routine problems in a timely and insightful manner- Abstract Reasoning
  • Requires excellent written and verbal communication skills and the ability to coordinate work done by multiple people and/or groups- Verbal Ability and Verbal Reasoning
  • Statistics Knowledge- Statistics

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Test Summary

Quantitative analyst pre-employment test enables employers to identify and hire potential prospects by evaluating their working skills and job readiness. For this reason, emphasis is laid upon evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience rather than theoretical knowledge.

The test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, AI-LogicBox, Job-based Simulations, True or False Questions, etc.

The Quantitative analyst skills test contains a combination of application and theory questions that help you evaluate candidates' practical skills.
A quantitative analyst test is designed considering EEOC guidelines. It will help employers to assess and hire diverse talent without any bias.

Useful for hiring
  • Graduates
  • Senior Managers
  • Accountant
Test Duration
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Topics Covered

Financial Analysis

Our quantitative analyst test helps to assess a candidate’s knowledge about financial analysis process of maintaining record of financial activities to determine accounting performance.

Excel Modelling

This test helps to assess an applicant’s ability to prepare the expected financial statements to predict the financial performance in future.


Our assessment helps to evaluate a candidate’s understanding of financial statistics, which is the process of analyzing and interpreting valuable financial data.

Spatial Intelligence

Our online quantitative analyst test for architecture evaluates a candidate’s ability to generate, retain, retrieve, and transform well-structured visual images


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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
LOOKUP Formulas


The below table indicates weekly income generated by a freelancer Jack. How will you calculate the amount of income generated on a weekly basis from these activities?

Table showing weekly income

  • =OFFSET(A1,(ROW()-4)*n,0,n,1), where n is equal to 1,2,3 depending on a week you want to calculate.<br /> &nbsp;
  • =OFFSET(A1,(ROW()-4)*n,0,n,1), where n is equal to 0,5,10 depending on a week you want to calculate.<br /> &nbsp;
  • =SUM(OFFSET(A1,(ROW()-4)*n,0,n,1)), where n is equal to 1,2,3 depending on a week you want to calculate.<br /> &nbsp;
  • =SUM(OFFSET(A1,(ROW()-4)*n,0,n,1)), where n is equal to 0,5,10 depending on a week you want to calculate.<br /> &nbsp;
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
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