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RestSharp Test

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RestSharp Skills Test

RestSharp is a comprehensive, open-source HTTP client library that works with all Dot Net technologies. This library boasts some powerful features, making it a unique tool that syncs admirably with RESTful architecture and is effectively used during API testing. It can be used to build robust applications by making it easy to interface with public APIs and quickly access data without the complexity of dealing with raw HTTP requests. 

RestSharp skills test helps tech recruiters and hiring managers to assess candidates' API automation testing skills with RestSharp. RestSharp assessment test is designed by experienced subject matter experts (SMEs) to evaluate and hire API testers per industry standards.

RestSharp skills test helps to screen the candidates who possess traits as follows:


  • Good knowledge of RestSharp library and overall architecture
  • Experience working with RestSharp commands, attributes, packages, and authenticators
  • Understanding of carrying out Initialization and Serialization in the processes
  • Knowledge of RestSharp content types, HTTP Header, and RequestBody
  • Familiarity with all data properties of the RestSharp library

RestSharp assessment test is a secure and reliable way of candidate assessment. You can use our role-based access control feature to restrict system access based on the roles of individual users within the recruiting team. Features like window violation, image, audio & video proctoring help detect cheating during the test.


This test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in Blanks, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, AI-LogicBox (AI-based Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulators, True or False Questions, etc.

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Test Summary

Useful for hiring
  • API Tester
  • Quality Analyst
  • Automation Engineer
  • Software Rest Sharp Engineer
  • Dot Net Developer
  • Software Test Engineer
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

RestSharp Content Types

RestSharp Package


RestSharp Authenticators


RestSharp Data Properties


RestSharp Attributes


RestSharp Commands

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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
RestSharp HTTP Responses


You want to use a property in your configuration of RestSharp custom handling of exceptions.
Which property will you use that changes the default behaviour when failed deserialization results in empty data property of the response?


  • FailOnDeserialization
  • Use Nothing
  • ThrowOnAnyError
  • ThrowOnDeserialization
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