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Ruby on Rails Online Test
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Ruby on Rails Test

Ruby on Rails online test is the definitive pre-hire test for recruiters and hiring managers to assess candidate skills objectively. Ruby on Rails programming test is useful for hiring a Ruby on Rails developer. Our test helps you build a winning tech team quickly by increasing the interview-to-selection ratio by 62% and reducing hiring time by 40%.

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Ruby On Rails Online Test

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is an open-source web application framework written in Ruby, an object-oriented programming language. Rail is a model–view–controller (MVC) framework providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages. It encourages and facilitates using web standards such as XML or JSON for data transfer and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for display and user interfacing.

Ruby on Rails online test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate Ruby on Rails programming skills of the developer. The Ruby on Rails programming test is created and validated by experienced Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to assess and hire Ruby on Rails developers per industry standards.

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How it works

Test Summary

Ruby on Rails Programming test is designed considering EEOC guidelines. It will help you assess and hire diverse talent without any bias.
Once candidates complete the Ruby on Rails coding test, our test analytics will be generated instantly, giving you a detailed analysis of the candidate's technical skills and strengths, and weaknesses. It will help you in making better hiring decisions.

The Ruby on Rails assessment may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, AI-LogicBox (AI-based Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulations, True or False Questions, etc.

Dive into our curated list of Ruby on Rails interview questions, helping you assess candidates' technical expertise and identify the perfect team member.

Useful for hiring
  • RoR Developer (2-4 yrs of experience)
  • RoR Programmer
  • Ruby on Rails Application Developer
  • Ruby on Rails Architect  
  • Ruby on Rails Engineer
  • Ruby on Rails Software Engineer
  • Ruby on Rails Backend Developer
  • Ruby on Rails Frontend Developer
  • Full-Stack Ruby on Rails Developer
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Control Flow in Ruby

Ruby on Rails knowledge test helps recruiters evaluate candidates' ability of using control flow statements for the controlled logical and conditional execution of a statement.

Looping with Ruby

Our Ruby on Rails online test helps recruiters assess candidates' proficiency in using Loops in Ruby to execute the same block of code a specified number of times

Array and Hashes

This assessment checks candidates' knowledge of using Arrays and Hashes to store and retrieve data

Blocks and Sorting

Our online test helps recruiters to evaluate candidates' ability to use blocks to develop powerful sorting algorithms

Hashes and Symbols

This test is used to evaluate candidates' ability to use symbols as hash keys to save time when doing comparisons

Blocks, Procs and Lambdas

This assessment helps recruiters to shortlist candidates with knowledge of Blocks, Procks & Lambdas
Sample Question
Choose from our 100,000+ questions library or add your own questions to make powerful custom tests.
Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Ruby on Rails


Q 1. How can you add a class 'contacts' for form_tag in rails view?

<%= form_tag root_path, class: 'form-inline' do %>
    <%= text_field_tag :email %>
  <% end %>
<%= form_tag root_path, html: { class: 'form-inline' } do %>
    <%= text_field_tag :email %>
  <% end %>
<%= form_tag class: 'form-inline', root_path do %>
    <%= text_field_tag :email %>
  <% end %>
<%= form_tag html: { class: 'form-inline' }, root_path do %>
    <%= text_field_tag :email %>
  <% end %>
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Test Report
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