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Sales Aptitude Test
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Sales Aptitude Test

iMocha’s sales aptitude test is the ideal pre-hire test for recruiters and hiring managers to assess candidates objectively. This online sales aptitude test is useful for hiring job roles like Sales Executives, Sales Representatives, and Telemarketers. Our aptitude test for sales executives has helped our customers to reduce hiring time by 45%.

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The United Nations

Online Sales Aptitude Test for Sales Representative

Aptitude test for sales is used to check the ability of a person to convert prospects into paying customers. A salesperson requires multiple skills to succeed on the job, and they often do not have higher educational degrees. It is commonly understood to be a function of appearance, mental abilities, personality, social skills, motivation, and a well thought & flexible sales approach. The primary role of the sales representative is to work with customers to find what they want, provide solutions and ensure a smooth sales process.  They will work to find new sales leads through business directories and client referrals. The sales representative also focuses on inside sales, which involves cold calling their new clients, and outside sales, which consists in visiting the clients in the field.

Sales aptitude test helps recruiters and hiring managers validate the proficiency of candidates in sales as well as aptitude before an interview. Online sales aptitude test is designed & developed to check the skills of a salesperson as per industry standards.

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How it works

Test Summary

The salesperson aptitude test helps to evaluate the below-mentioned skills of the candidates:

  • Customer Service skills 
  • Communication skills 
  • Strong Negotiation skills 
  • Building relationships 
  • Flexibility 
  • Time Management 
  • Demo Skills 
  • Active Listening 

Our aptitude test for sales executives and/or salespersons helps you validate all the required skills, such as a customer-focused attitude, good communication, and a goal-driven approach. It further ensures that the hiring manager gets the right fit candidate for the sales job. Our score reports include a detailed analysis of each candidate as well as analytical data, saving the recruiter time.

The test for sales representatives enables employers and recruiters to identify & hire potential salesperson by evaluating the working skills and job readiness of candidates. For this reason, an emphasis is laid upon evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience rather than theoretical knowledge.

The sales aptitude test may contain: MCQ's (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQ's (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, LogicBox (AI-based evaluation), True or False Questions, etc.

This aptitude test for sales representatives contains a combination of application and theory questions that help you evaluate candidates' practical skills.

Useful for hiring
  • Sales Executives
  • Salesperson
  • Sales Representative
  • Telemarketers
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Negotiation Skills

iMocha’s sales aptitude test helps recruiters and hiring managers evaluate candidate's ability to negotiate effectively

Sales Fundamentals

This test helps to evaluate a candidate's understanding of sales fundamentals that consists of sales skills, methodology, tools, and buying processes

Presentation Skills

This assessment assesses a candidate’s ability to interact with a person or group of people with clarity

Excel Advance 2016

Our aptitude test for sales executives evaluates a candidate’s ability to work on Microsoft Excel, which helps to manage and control large amounts of data

Communication Skills

Our aptitude test for sales helps to evaluate candidate’s ability to communicate effectively

Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Communication fundamentals


Mary, a young sales representative, works for a consumer durable company in the U.S. During client interactions, she always thanks her customers, shares her visiting card, shares the minutes of the meeting, and formally follows up. How can she further improve her sales interactions?

Team meeting


  • Mary can continue to remain formal and polite with the client. No change is recommended.
  • Some interactions may require her to get to the items on the agenda quickly.
  • It is better to be flexible than structured. She can be more customer-centric, rather than process-centric.
  • Mary should be punctual and specific about the agenda.
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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