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Sales Rep Test (Insurance)
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Sales Rep Test (Insurance)

Our sales rep assessment is the preferred pre-employment test for recruiters and hiring managers to hire job-fit candidates for roles such as Sales Representative [Insurance], Insurance Agents, and Mutual Fund Agents. This sales representative aptitude has helped our customers reduce hiring costs by 40%.

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The United Nations

Sales Representative Aptitude Test (Insurance)

Insurance Agents have to sell insurance policies to new and existing customers. Some agents sell other financial instruments, such as mutual funds, and also help in financial planning for their clients.

They must possess the typical skills needed by any sales executive. Additionally, they must be good at quantitative aptitude.

Key Skills Required: 

  •  Verbal Ability and Verbal Reasoning - Comprehension (Reading and Oral)
  •  Verbal Ability and Verbal Reasoning - Good Communication
  • Numerical Reasoning - Must be Data Driven
  • Verbal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude - Has the ability to understand own company's product offering and product's differentiation from competition
  • Logical Reasoning - Articulate enough to convince buyers of value in the product/service being sold  
  • Abstract Reasoning - Has the ability to think constructively and strategize 
  • Quantitative Aptitude - Has the ability to solve problems 
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Test Summary

Verbal Ability

Verbal ability is essential because grammar and vocabulary are prerequisites for good spoken and written English. 

Verbal Reasoning 

Reading comprehension indicates the ability to comprehend and reason with the concepts on a written page. 

Qunatitative Aptitute 

Quantitative ability will indicate analytical thinking and problem-solving ability. 

Logical Reasoning 

Logical Reasoning is assessed through

  • Statement/Conclusion 
  • Cause /Effect and 
  • Statement/Fact questions

These questions will indicate the quality of deductive Reasoning and inductive Reasoning, which contribute to Critical thinking ability. 

Abstract Reasoning

Abstract Reasoning will indicate the ability to think clearly, identify logical patterns, learn new skills and solve complex problems. It is an indicator of fluid intelligence and shows an ability to strategize.

Useful for hiring
  • Sales Representative [Insurance]
  • Insurance Agents
  • Mutual Fund Agents
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Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Sales Fundamentals

This sales representative aptitude test helps to evaluate a candidate’s understanding of sales fundamentals for insurance that consists of sales skills, methodology, and buying processes

Presentation Skills

This assessment assesses a candidate’s ability to interact with a person or group of people with clarity

Negotiation Skills

iMocha’s sales representative test helps recruiters and hiring managers evaluate a candidate’s ability to negotiate effectively

Communication Skills

Our aptitude test for sales helps to evaluate candidate’s ability to communicate effectively


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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered


Q 1. Direction to Solve
Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
...... a failure of some traffic lights, traffic is moving very slowly.

Due to
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
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