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Sales Rep Test (Advertising)
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Sales Rep Test (Advertising)

iMocha’s sales rep test enables recruiters and hiring managers to hire job-fit candidates within a short period and make unbiased decisions. This assessment is useful for hiring Sales Representative and helps to reduce hiring cost by 40%.

Website with the words ads and an orange x on it
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The United Nations

Sales Representative Test Assessment

Accounts executives are the interface between the advertising agency and the client. They have to understand the client's needs and communicate the same to the creative departments. Their understanding of the client brief and ability to get it fulfilled is crucial to their success.

They must not only be excellent salespeople but also understand the domains of advertising and marketing.

As per the latest trends, they must understand digital marketing as well.

They must possess the typical skills needed by any sales executive. Additionally, they must have a feel for advertising and digital marketing.

Key Skills Required: 

  • Verbal Ability and Verbal Reasoning - Comprehensive (Reading and Oral)
  • Verbal Ability and Verbal Reasoning - Good Communication
  • Numerical Reasoning - Must be Data Driven
  • Logical Reasoning - Articulate enough to convince buyers of value in product/service being sold
  • Abstract Reasoning - Has the ability to think constructively and strategize
  • Quantitative Aptitude - Has the ability to solve problems
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Test Summary

Verbal Ability

Verbal Ability is essential because grammar and vocabulary are prerequisites for good spoken and written English.

Verbal Reasoning

Verbal Reasoning indicates the ability to comprehend and reason with the concepts on a written page.

Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative Ability will indicate analytical thinking and problem-solving Ability.

Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning is assessed through  

  • Statement/Conclusion 
  • Cause /Effect and 
  • Statement/Fact questions 

These questions will indicate the quality of deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning, which contribute to Critical thinking ability.

Numerical Reasoning

The numerical reasoning test measures the ability to interpret, analyze and draw logical conclusions based on numerical data presented in graphs and tables describing different business-related situations. It is a part of Logical Reasoning.

Abstract Reasoning

Abstract Reasoning indicates the ability to think clearly, identify logical patterns, learn new skills and solve complex problems. It is an indicator of fluid intelligence and shows an ability to strategize.

Test Details: 53 Questions, 65 minutes 

  • Verbal Ability - 14 Questions 14 minutes 
  • Verbal Reasoning - 08 Questions 16 minutes 
  • Quantitative Aptitude - 15 Questions 15 minutes 
  • Logical Reasoning - 07 Questions 07 minutes 
  • Numerical Reasoning - 01 Question 01 minutes 
  • Abstract Reasoning - 08 Questions 12 minutes 

This evaluation can be integrated with other sales assessments to create a thorough assessment tailored to meet the specific job role requirements.

Useful for hiring
  • Sales Representative
Test Duration
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Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Sales Fundamentals

This sales rep online test helps to evaluate a candidate’s understanding of sales fundamentals that consists of sales skills, methodology, tools, and buying processes

Presentation Skills

This assessment assesses a candidate’s ability to interact with a person or group of people with clarity

Negotiation Skills

iMocha’s sales representative test helps recruiters and hiring managers evaluate candidate’s ability to negotiate effectively

Communication Skills

Our online sales rep test helps to evaluate candidate’s ability to communicate effectively


Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered


Q 1. Sara lives in a large city on the East Coast. Her younger cousin Marlee lives in the Mid-west in a small town with fewer than 1,000 residents. Marlee has visited Sara several times during the past five years. In the same period of time, Sara has visited Marlee only once.

Marlee likes Sara better than Sara likes Marlee.
Sara thinks small towns are boring.
Sara is older than Marlee.
Marlee wants to move to the East Coast.

A helicopter view of the employee's progress
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